有個喺香港住嘅鬼佬整咗個campaign #WearAFuckingMask
瑪麗安東妮的蛋糕 2020-3-16 15:15:04 網站:


五文字 2020-3-16 15:15:56 Push
最賤的右手 2020-3-16 15:16:49 it's fucking awesome
威豪哥 2020-3-16 15:17:26

蜜糖雞翼 2020-3-16 15:21:10 此回覆已被刪除
Helll 2020-3-16 15:21:26 Push
Let's make awesome people fucking famous
盜民宅 2020-3-16 15:27:45 fucking push post
綠油油的南部山區 2020-3-16 15:30:13 此回覆已被刪除
りき 2020-3-16 15:30:37 Lets fuck mask.
lottery248 2020-3-16 15:31:20


蜜糖雞翼 2020-3-16 15:35:13 此回覆已被刪除


XO醬 2020-3-16 15:38:17
RYau 2020-3-16 15:40:54
I lived through Fucking SARS in Beijing and Hong Kong in 2003 and was proud that I did not wear a Fucking Mask. “Fucking Masks are for Fucking cowards,” I said. “Everyone knows that Fucking surgical Masks can’t filter Fucking Viruses out of air,” I said.

I was Fucking wrong. I Fucking missed the point.

Fucking surgical masks keep you from spraying droplets on other people when you talk, cough or sneeze. These droplets might contain Fucking viruses which will Fucking infect other people. Fucking masks protect other people as much or even more than they fucking protect you.

The turning point for me was in February 2020 when I was on a Fucking flight from Hong Kong to Hanoi. Everyone on the Fucking flight, except for the row of people ahead and behind me, was wearing a Fucking mask.

The people behind me were Fucking coughing and Fucking sneezing. I could Fucking feel their Fucking droplet projectiles flying by my Fucking bald head. It was Fucking not cool. I wish they had worn Fucking masks.
樹枝少年 2020-3-16 16:25:16 笑咗
民主歡樂送 2020-3-16 16:37:09 此回覆已被刪除
交合伺服器 2020-3-16 16:39:20 好過癮
連尼往 2020-3-16 16:45:18 he is fucking right
Watchmen 2020-3-16 16:47:31 此回覆已被刪除
頭大過腦 2020-3-16 16:48:36 fucking wear it
撈鵰 2020-3-16 16:52:42 Fucking push post!
機械人7號 2020-3-16 16:57:00 仲未有廣東話版


Tywin 2020-3-16 17:06:33 個鬼佬又咁鳩撚爛口既
蜜糖雞翼 2020-3-16 17:07:19 此回覆已被刪除
彭麗媛係雞 2020-3-16 17:10:32 戴撚返個口罩啊屌
安枕無憂 2020-3-16 17:14:58