福斯的背叛 2020-3-18 20:46:22 80幾


HBTW 2020-3-18 20:46:54 係,你碌翻去一個鐘之前已經一萬一千幾
榴蓮在摩天輪 2020-3-18 20:48:43 https://www.wired.co.uk/article/coronavirus-italy

On January 29, when Italy detected and isolated its first coronavirus cases – two Chinese tourists – authorities were sure they had put together the safest protection system in Europe.

The following day, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte immediately declared a state of emergency for six months, and made Italy the first country to block flights from China. “We can reassure all the citizens, the situation is under control,” he said. “We expected cases in Italy too.”
人生可否重來 2020-3-18 20:49:21
🔥埃の魔神 2020-3-18 20:49:25
蛇夫子 2020-3-18 20:51:40 感染破20萬(+1萬6)
榴蓮在摩天輪 2020-3-18 20:53:50 https://www.pharmaceutical-technology.com/features/covid-19-italy-coronavirus-deaths-measures-airports-tourism/

Italy, a member state of the European Union and a popular tourist destination, joined the list of coronavirus-affected countries on 30 January when two COVID-19 positive cases were reported in Chinese tourists.
懷疑人 2020-3-18 20:56:15 坡狗今日加左幾多?
蛇夫子 2020-3-18 20:59:26 昨晚八點半:243
Casemiro14 2020-3-18 21:01:26 未計今日?
蛇夫子 2020-3-18 21:02:05 應該計了,即時的。


懷疑人 2020-3-18 21:03:48 聽日唔該最少要破300, 比d火我
UST南亞仔 2020-3-18 21:05:52 仲係前一日 +23
UST南亞仔 2020-3-18 21:06:07 坡狗未update
公開 2020-3-18 21:06:41 歐豬幾點出數據??
福斯的背叛 2020-3-18 21:15:36 挪威+1 death,Total:6
蛇夫子 2020-3-18 21:17:53 NBA杜蘭特就算不嚴重,但如果帶菌,也可能被禁止參與比賽
福斯的背叛 2020-3-18 21:19:43 荷蘭+351 Confirmed,Total:2056
智利+36 Confirmed,Total:238
天光要開燈 2020-3-18 21:21:14 台積電有員工確診


倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-3-18 21:21:54 本地?定外遊過先
天光要開燈 2020-3-18 21:24:44 台積電自己公佈確診但冇寫有冇外遊,所以唔知


天光要開燈 2020-3-18 21:25:37 晶圓代工廠台積電今天公告,有一名員工確診武漢肺炎,目前已入院診治,內部決議啟動分組辦公營運模式因應。台積電表示,不影響公司營運,相關細節以政府公開資訊為主。
懷疑人 2020-3-18 21:26:16 坡狗+47 Confirmed,Total:313
姓向大妹楊玉環 2020-3-18 21:26:19 仲以為台灣可以好快降班
天光要開燈 2020-3-18 21:26:39 CLS