Bracton 2020-3-16 13:36:08 食海鮮果個迴旋處隔離個一輝倉!?
係嘅話就仲撚好笑 一輝果塊地只係可以做住宅同物流中心用途 仲要個場只可以星期一至六朝8晚8運作

喺呢塊地如作工業用途係要經城市規劃條例s 16申請planning permission
單係s 16嘅法定諮詢程序就要2個月 由零開始去到過到城規會起碼搞成年 仲未計城規會唔批



魚翅航空無女 2020-3-16 13:38:28 牙膏好大支
愛上陸 2020-3-16 13:38:43 哇屌你正呀喂!
你餵鯨 2020-3-16 13:39:29 咁快收到政府抗疫基金?政府效率咁高咩?
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 13:41:56 此回覆已被刪除
愛上陸 2020-3-16 13:42:33 城規按程序,臨時申請有排搞,夾硬做累埋人地無埋倉地,你估物流倉會唔倉落搭?
包包包豬 2020-3-16 13:43:46 其實期貨3月冇 係講緊2021年3月
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 13:48:18 此回覆已被刪除
littlebrv 2020-3-16 13:49:38 猛料
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 13:50:02 此回覆已被刪除
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 13:51:30 此回覆已被刪除


飛雞杯 2020-3-16 13:53:10 留名
Bracton 2020-3-16 13:55:13 城規會當時批—輝個物流中心planning permission有以下condition
621st RNTPC MEETING ON 22.02.2019

After deliberation, the Committee decided to approve the application on a temporary basis for a period of 3 years until 22.2.2022, on the terms of the application as submitted to the Town Planning Board (TPB) and subject to the following conditions:

“(a) no operation between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., as proposed by the applicant, is allowed on the Site during the planning approval period;

(b) no operation on Sundays and public holidays, as proposed by the applicant, is allowed on the Site during the planning approval period;

(c) no storage of recyclable materials, dismantling, assembling, repairing or other workshop activities, as proposed by the applicant, are allowed on the Site at any time during the planning approval period;

(d) no vehicle is allowed to queue back to public road or reverse onto/from the public road at any time during the planning approval period;

(e) the submission of a revised drainage proposal within 3 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Drainage Services or of the TPB by 22.5.2019;

(f) in relation to (e) above, the implementation of the revised drainage proposal within 6 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Drainage Services or of the TPB by 22.8.2019;

(g) in relation to (f) above, the implemented drainage facilities shall be maintained at all times during the planning approval period;

(h) the implementation of the accepted landscape proposal within 6 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning or of the TPB by 22.8.2019;

(i) the submission of fire service installations proposal within 3 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Fire Services or of the TPB by 22.5.2019;

(j) in relation to (i) above, the implementation of fire service installations proposal within 6 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Fire Services or of the TPB by 22.8.2019;

(k) the provision of fencing within 3 months from the date of planning approval to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning or of the TPB by 22.5.2019;

(l) if any of the above planning conditions (a), (b), (c), (d) or (g) is not complied with during the approval period, the approval hereby given shall cease to have effect and shall be revoked immediately without further notice; and

(m) if any of the above planning conditions (e), (f), (h), (i), (j) or (k) is not complied with by the above specified date, the approval hereby given shall cease to have effect and shall on the same date be revoked without further notice.”

喺任何時間都唔可以喺呢個site內唔可以進行assembling或者workshop activities 否則城規會可以即時取消一輝物流中心個approval
自護公國萬歲 2020-3-16 13:56:56 留名食花生
愛上陸 2020-3-16 13:57:13 巴打畀個五黎!
魚翅航空無女 2020-3-16 13:59:07 慢慢擠,唔好太快
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 13:59:31 此回覆已被刪除
在你的左右 2020-3-16 13:59:49 樓主可以Pin上面巴打個留言
littlebrv 2020-3-16 14:01:52 Pin左
港嬸 2020-3-16 14:10:50 正正常常租個廠房由零開始整無塵廠咪好囉,搞咁多嘢影子公司一間,攞商業登記未?商業登記咩地址?求其一個地址連正式電話都冇個,唔明仲有人信走去買罩花,咁同買救救廠一邊造一邊賣一邊裝修一邊搞認證有乜分別?救救都仲話買到即用,依家咁樣左搬右搬出年都未必有個過到認證嘅罩俾人。
我愛國愛港 2020-3-16 14:11:30 https://www.facebook.com/sptmask/
有齊認證啦今次, 上市公司,
N95都只係賣1700蚊一盒姐, 你地比得起獲,
呢D 正野留番比你地就岩


我愛國愛港 2020-3-16 14:14:36 睇下我幾好人,
搵埋比你地, 滿足晒你地既需求,
你地全部載N95啦, 唔駛嘈嘈閉,
月光照小膠 2020-3-16 14:16:01 一輝倉定SEKO倉? #1 有影到Seko 架車 &車牌 111SK111 , 兩間都係流浮山
藍絲(生肺炎) 2020-3-16 14:17:20 此回覆已被刪除
媽的貢丸. 2020-3-16 14:18:39 人地話要出律C信了