LIHKG Adblock/Adguard/DNSCloak/NextDNS 係咪廢撚咗? (5)
彭于晏(暴徒) 2020-6-1 20:45:52


係咁㗎啦 2020-6-1 20:47:27 我上年冇買到呀
仆街燈 2020-6-1 21:11:33 此回覆已被刪除
橙全部都係橙 2020-6-1 21:12:23 收到email, NextDNS要收錢了

After launching a year ago, we are officially announcing the end of our beta.

We want to thank each and every one of you for trusting us and using the service we have built over the past year, this is just the beginning.

You can subscribe now at for $1.99/month or $19.90/year (we will start enforcing the limit for free usage on June 1).

We also offer affordable Business and Education plans starting at $19.90/month.

By choosing to support us, you enable NextDNS to become the self-sustaining, accessible, privacy-friendly and customizable DNS service we hope many of you have been waiting for. You would also strengthen an alternative to the current DNS status quo of sending all your queries to either your ISP or giants like Google or Cloudflare.
係咁㗎啦 2020-6-1 21:16:33 已經俾咗錢...
仆街燈 2020-6-1 21:25:12 此回覆已被刪除
仆街燈 2020-6-1 21:29:24 此回覆已被刪除
CD-R00M 2020-6-1 22:05:06 點解in app purchase 唔得既?
$98 lifetime 好似抵d
係咁㗎啦 2020-6-1 22:05:52 要網頁買
CD-R00M 2020-6-1 22:11:23 明白,唔該曬
梁潮偉 2020-6-1 22:48:50 免費既係咁, 你過多排可能就會有d 會work 番咁. 不過可能要等一牌先會有.



KC叔 2020-6-2 03:08:01 adguard 淘寶90蚊終生 3部機
仆街燈 2020-6-2 09:12:05 此回覆已被刪除
一元 2020-6-2 12:33:37 想問下block Facebook app ad 果個仲用唔用到?
用緊Adblock 好似加唔到
唔開 2020-6-2 15:39:37 adguard block左asus router個app可以點解返
梁潮偉 2020-6-2 23:00:25
梁潮偉 2020-6-2 23:01:28 唔會架喎, 你check 下blacklist 你加左咩落去.

同埋你去asus router, 係用app, 定話browser? 會出咩error? 需要screenshot 先知你講咩.
哈林 2020-6-3 15:58:08 Adguard係pay version 係mac and window有咩用呀? 同普通adguard for safari and chrom有咩分別
壞左既雷神 2020-6-3 16:30:28

書桓 2020-6-3 17:16:57 啱啱買咗adguard pro, 上連登有時load 唔到
係咁㗎啦 2020-6-3 19:25:06
VPN 開左 adguard會自動熄

題外話 用左surfshark 之後都冇見過ad


文心雕龍 2020-6-3 20:08:02 跟晒咁去整,但佢唔俾我用wifi,一定要數據,同埋連vpn個signal都冇咗
啾啾 2020-6-3 22:28:19 我係 申請左AC 未比錢 但唔見入面有YOUTUBE裝既?
梁潮偉 2020-6-3 23:13:11 mac 同 windows 作用無電話咁大. 除非你有d windows/mac 既app 係會出廣告. 又或者你用緊個browser 係無adguard 個plugin
梁潮偉 2020-6-3 23:14:41 我睇番呢個post 早幾頁, 好多人問過surf shark 點樣同adguard 並存. 暫時唔係個個做到. 你睇番早幾頁, 有人問過亦有人答過.