AmandaSeyfreid 2020-3-26 02:17:06 我估啦
係用voucher 買果張機票可以唔使change fee, 但fare differnece應該仲要啦

No change fees apply to this voucher, so you have more flexibility to reschedule when you’re ready to travel again. The voucher may be extended for a further year if required.

仲有就係佢好似放寬左refund policy

Should you be unable to travel for 12 months from the date we issued your voucher, you will be entitled to a refund of the full fare you paid for your original flight or be able to extend the voucher for another year.


A.herrera 2020-3-26 08:59:16 巴打係邊度見到voucher可以等一年退番錢 佢地網頁annoucement好似無寫
施華朗尼馬達 2020-3-26 10:02:43 你呢個邊到揾架,官網係咁喎
Travel voucher for ticket value with a validity of 12 months from date of issue.
Customers with flight bookings for travel on or before 30 June 2020 can rebook their flights to any Emirates destination within the same region without a rebooking fee or paying any fare difference.
約_翰 2020-3-26 10:59:48 https://www.emirates.com/english/help/refund-request/?pub=autodetect&pub=autodetect

大桐世界 2020-3-26 13:32:35 唔知點整重新預訂
佢叫做胖虎 2020-3-26 13:35:07 平時洗3日錢到戶口,最近次係3月2號試
出黎啦自由西 2020-3-26 13:37:07 我6/3啊 未有答覆
佢叫做胖虎 2020-3-26 13:40:04 你點申請退票?通常上佢地個網申請會快d
出黎啦自由西 2020-3-26 13:51:56 就係用 佢個網嘅request for refund果個表申請 跟住emirates 果條友講嘅做
ShittySon 2020-3-26 13:58:40 此回覆已被刪除
濕熱大軍 2020-3-26 13:59:19 Qatar改左policy可以退款喇


佢叫做胖虎 2020-3-26 13:59:28 我都係用佢,跟手上星期另一張票request voucher 仲未有消息,今日就收到email話我個booking 取消左,唔知幾時會出voucher
ShittySon 2020-3-26 14:02:54 此回覆已被刪除
出黎啦自由西 2020-3-26 14:03:22
佢叫做胖虎 2020-3-26 16:29:13
A.herrera 2020-3-26 18:46:56 又轉
purinpom 2020-3-27 01:22:49 此回覆已被刪除
ShittySon 2020-3-27 11:54:25 此回覆已被刪除
summer1872 2020-3-27 15:52:53
AmandaSeyfreid 2020-3-27 19:19:47 Emirates真係估你唔到咁濕鳩
振盈對沖基金 2020-3-27 19:36:04 KE 兩個工作天退哂錢


袁海文 2020-3-27 19:49:30 【10pm直播x旅行社倒閉點算好?】 袁海文 Ramon YUEN x 沈運華-呀沈 27/3 22:00 Facebook Live直播講解機票退款跟進工作!

截至今天26/3 12:00,海文與團隊已經接獲超過2400宗求助,涉及1600萬+的款項,數字亦不斷上升。雖然我們已經盡全力跟進所有個案,但相信大家都帶著很多疑問,以及希望了解跟進情況。所以,明天(27/3)我和 沈律師 再聯同 尹兆堅 Andrew Wan 同 易承聰 Angus Yick 將會响今天晚上10時正在聯合直播,並會解答大家最近留言或inbox我們的問題。

有咩想問就响呢個post (https://www.facebook.com/500331483378598/posts/2794856710592719/?d=n) 留言,今晚我哋們會一次過答覆大家!

1. 向信用卡公司申請退款 (Chargeback)。
2. 登記我們的苦主求助表格:https://qrgo.page.link/SJcV4
3. 向旅遊業議會填表投訴 (http://www.tichk.org/public/website/b5/forms/eform_complain_outbound_intro.html)
4. 向消委會填表投訴 (https://www.consumer.org.hk/ws_chi/cc-complaint/index.php)

Callitwhatuwant 2020-3-27 20:19:10 巴打邊度睇到
ShittySon 2020-3-27 20:19:45 此回覆已被刪除
大麻寶 2020-3-27 20:20:49 屌搭emirates 6月尾經杜拜飛慕尼黑