【支那武漢肺炎】全球討論區 02
倭迹迹日百襲媛命 2020-3-12 20:50:07 但果架本身有21個中左都無計入去


福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 20:50:20 挪威+4 Confirmed,Total:692
巴勒斯坦+1 Confirmed,Total:31
法蘭西檸七 2020-3-12 20:51:09 【#體嘢突發】

《Telegraph》記者Jason Burt報導,某英超球會有三名球員出現明顯的武漢肺炎病徵,預料明天有正式測試結果。目前英超賽會正面臨巨大壓力要暫停一切賽事,而不只是閉門作賽。
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 20:51:25 有機會計左係美國
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 20:51:51
痰突塞 2020-3-12 20:52:06
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-12 20:52:10 新加嗰啲應該係美國嗰架了
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-12 20:52:38
蛇夫子 2020-3-12 20:54:47 利物浦10日內三條戰線都沒有了
wtfcfw1030 2020-3-12 21:00:14 正路似係阿妓、西咸球員
KFCCoffee 2020-3-12 21:04:59 All players at an unnamed Premier League club are today being tested for the coronavirus after three first-team players displayed symptoms. The test results are expected back tomorrow.

One player first showed symptoms of the virus earlier this week and was immediately placed in self-isolation. He appeared to be getting better but has since relapsed with two others subsequently displaying symptoms.

If the results come back positive the club’s game this weekend will certainly be called off but it will also lead to huge pressure on the Premier League to follow the lead of other European leagues and suspend all matches.



Fourshine店長 2020-3-12 21:05:59 袋左大半個英超冠軍都俾支那搞到無埋
🔥埃の魔神 2020-3-12 21:08:12 幾時八國聯軍呀
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:09:40 挪威+9 Confirmed,Total:701
美國+11 Confirmed,Total:1350
日本+17 Confirmed,Total:684
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:10:17 摩納哥+1 Confirmed,Total:2
痰突塞 2020-3-12 21:10:30
蛇夫子 2020-3-12 21:10:41 挪威一過千就不可逆轉
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:10:56 荷蘭+111 Confirmed,Total:614
痰突塞 2020-3-12 21:11:16
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:11:18 過千都用機關槍
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:11:44 基本上係歐洲命運共同體


痰突塞 2020-3-12 21:12:45 好心挪威學下荷蘭用炮彈啦
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:13:17 挪威+1 Confirmed,Total:702
摩爾多瓦+1 Confirmed,Total:4
福斯的背叛 2020-3-12 21:14:38 美國+5 Confirmed,Total:1355
格魯吉亞+1 Confirmed,Total:25
傑志李毅凱(4號) 2020-3-12 21:17:43 支那坡個部長做咩唔再出黎講2句呀