[MIRACLE] OH MY GIRL討論區 (30) 慢慢回歸唔緊要 身體健康最重要
Pabo初冧 2020-4-13 19:30:12 新飯 有冇往績參考先
就Secret garden開始


藍眼白瓏 2020-4-13 19:41:14 8
了轉倒字名 2020-4-13 20:04:34 SG #23
BAM 404 not found
Remember me #23
Bungee #27
Pabo初冧 2020-4-13 20:12:51 咁consistent嘅

Donma 2020-4-13 20:23:51 完左Queendom果排應該出名左一陣


BTW 空降最勁仍然係A-ing, 空降9
木清 2020-4-13 20:26:40 新飯想問佢地最近成日有動靜就上naver搜尋榜係咪正常 定係佢地人氣不嬲都咁上下
Pabo初冧 2020-4-13 20:43:25 覺得有用心去睇qd嘅路人 宜家提番起omg都會諗番起d stage 相信有吸到唔少嘅新飯同關注度嘅
我估 27號揭曉
Donma 2020-4-13 20:46:11
Donma 2020-4-13 22:20:23
Donma 2020-4-13 22:20:39
藍眼白瓏 2020-4-13 22:22:22 今晚11點有野睇未


風箏甲 2020-4-13 23:01:57
風箏甲 2020-4-13 23:04:54
風箏甲 2020-4-13 23:05:25 po極都po 唔到張圖

小狗裕姝 2020-4-13 23:05:36 BAM 2.0
風箏甲 2020-4-13 23:08:14 OH MY GIRL 7TH MINI ALBUM [NONSTOP] Game Start 🎲

藍眼白瓏 2020-4-13 23:10:26 似bungee風
藍眼白瓏 2020-4-13 23:11:03


風箏甲 2020-4-13 23:13:44 骰仔加埋係7都明 但呢個就...
Donma 2020-4-13 23:54:26 WEBTOON
the sometoon writer: what does "설렘" (fluttering feelings/excitement) mean to you guys?




Hyojung: isn't the fact that tomorrow will come exciting?
Mimi: fear eventually turns into excitement!
Binnie: just... every day that makes me feel good and feel happy is exciting!
Yooa: when you imagine something isn't it exciting?
Jiho: when I finish something and start something new!
Arin: when you don't know anything that can be exciting!
Seunghee: when feel like you want to see someone/something again!
Donma 2020-4-13 23:55:26 WEBTOON


米拉克粒子 2020-4-13 23:55:29 個concept art有啲膠味,本來按順序今次應該係森氣concept
木清 2020-4-14 00:16:22 嚇我唔到既
米拉克粒子 2020-4-14 00:24:22 都幾得意,不過唔係好認到啲成員
可爾必屎 2020-4-14 00:28:07 binrin 調轉好似似啲