LIHKG [威士忌18] 本土獨立裝瓶廠(IB)正在崛起,你知道嗎?
科大波魔 2020-3-3 20:19:10 落pax 成件事,加壓與否,喺1990一次過ban 哂。本身係ok的。


科大波魔 2020-3-3 20:30:03 係咁易Google 下會發現好多source 對pax 應用嘅描述同記載都係幾唔一致
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 20:51:44 其實唔係上個post討論其實好少見人提起

汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 21:24:51 買左頁頭aaron chan文中有提及既bugatti杯試用一下

你是我們 2020-3-3 21:51:11 新手初入坑 想問下glencairn glass仿製同正版分別大唔大?億升個款wolfburn係咪已經ok?

哥哥張國榮 2020-3-3 22:03:48 巴打邊度買
狗都唔食 2020-3-3 22:16:31 答你第二題 Malt Cask , Casky。 但其實普遍威圈都黃
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 22:19:36 The Good Spirits新貨
哥哥張國榮 2020-3-3 22:23:36 同blenders glass 感覺分別大唔大
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 22:32:44 番版好多時個底會偷薄左



event 都間唔中送隻
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 22:33:31 blenders glass個聞香效果我相信都冇其他杯可以取替


食野求閪其 2020-3-3 22:44:36 睇過篇野話威士忌會因陽光照射而變味(因為uv?) 各位ching屋企既收藏係咪都會放盒唔擺岀黎? 有見過人將d輕仔離盒照放係玻璃櫃由得陽光照 其實係咪冇乜所謂
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 22:45:53 緊係有所謂

科大波魔 2020-3-3 22:52:41 Respect 翻樓豬呢個post 主題係IB

Clynelish 1965 sherry wood for Sestante


食野求閪其 2020-3-3 22:55:21 咁酒舖d display都幾危 特別係地舖
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 22:59:17 其實係呀

頁頭我都搵左篇文講關於condition 既問題 我quote 番

之前睇到篇關於放唔同extreme condition 兩年既一個實驗

當然唔一定支支都咁 但可以參考一下
樣板: Bowmore Laimrig, Batch 3



All samples contained Bowmore Laimrig Batch 3, and remained in their conditions for two years.
Stored in freezer at -18C: Minor flaws, subdued nose and palate (放-18度雪櫃,減弱聞香效果同飲既味)
Stored outside, exposed to sunlight: Undrinkable and unrecognisable as whisky
Taped to a machine at 45C: Still good, sweeter and heavier on the oak, ‘older’(放去45度,狀態唔錯,桶味重d同甜左)
Exposed to uneven temperatures: Similar to 3, marked sweetness and poor nose (放去溫差大既地方,同45度o個支差唔多,但聞香效果差左)
Poured into two cheap PET bottles: Bitter, ashy nose, ‘completely destroyed’ on palate (放去兩個膠樽,飲既味方面已經完全破壞左)
70cl bottle with 10cl of whisky in it: Oxidised, ‘a shadow of its former glory’(700ml支裝得番100ml ,d 威氧化左)
70cl bottle left half-full: As 1: minor flaws, subdued nose and palate(700ml支裝得番350ml ,減弱聞香效果同飲既味)
Reference whisky stored under optimal conditions: More intense, with wonderful sweetness, fruit, toffee and light peat smoke (對照sample 甜味,拖肥,輕泥煤味)
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 23:00:48
睇過篇野話威士忌會因陽光照射而變味(因為uv?) 各位ching屋企既收藏係咪都會放盒唔擺岀黎? 有見過人將d輕仔離盒照放係玻璃櫃由得陽光照 其實係咪冇乜所謂

咁酒舖d display都幾危 特別係地舖

頁頭我都搵左篇文講關於condition 既問題 我quote 番

之前睇到篇關於放唔同extreme condition 兩年既一個實驗

當然唔一定支支都咁 但可以參考一下
樣板: Bowmore Laimrig, Batch 3



All samples contained Bowmore Laimrig Batch 3, and remained in their conditions for two years.
1.Stored in freezer at -18C: Minor flaws, subdued nose and palate (放-18度雪櫃,減弱聞香效果同飲既味)
2.Stored outside, exposed to sunlight: Undrinkable and unrecognisable as whisky (放出面曬太陽,唔飲得同唔似威)
3.Taped to a machine at 45C: Still good, sweeter and heavier on the oak, ‘older’(放去45度,狀態唔錯,桶味重d同甜左)
4.Exposed to uneven temperatures: Similar to 3, marked sweetness and poor nose (放去溫差大既地方,同45度o個支差唔多,但聞香效果差左)
5.Poured into two cheap PET bottles: Bitter, ashy nose, ‘completely destroyed’ on palate (放去兩個膠樽,飲既味方面已經完全破壞左)
6.70cl bottle with 10cl of whisky in it: Oxidised, ‘a shadow of its former glory’(700ml支裝得番100ml ,d 威氧化左)
7.70cl bottle left half-full: As 1: minor flaws, subdued nose and palate(700ml支裝得番350ml ,減弱聞香效果同飲既味)

Reference whisky stored under optimal conditions: More intense, with wonderful sweetness, fruit, toffee and light peat smoke (對照sample 甜味,拖肥,輕泥煤味)
JennyWUUU 2020-3-3 23:02:04

依支,講起台灣,有支叫雅典娜既包桶,Ardbeg 27y ,4千頭,好似好抵咁,係未都好大機會係伏?
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 23:03:34 多納非台灣包桶會好d
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 23:08:26 原來講ardbeg

其實我唔算太鐘意90年代ardbeg 上手公司distill 既product
當年ardbeg 所用既malt 唔係好重泥煤,ppm 值比較低,
bottled出黎既whisky 再加上高年份都係唔太重泥煤。
LVMH 接手之後就比較好d,我成日吹奏支ardbeg 19 係佢LVMH 接手後distill 既最高年份ob。19年重煙得黎幾fruit ,我覺得咁先係ardbeg。
食野求閪其 2020-3-3 23:10:45


食野求閪其 2020-3-3 23:26:40 平時飲到個陣醫院味係唔係lvmh後bottling先有?
JennyWUUU 2020-3-3 23:38:23 Ya
真係愛死Ardbeg,層次豐富,又夠霸道,轉頭飲返bowmoreOB 18,17white sands,覺得好淺,到喉唔到肺,防唔到疫
汝亦知射乎 2020-3-3 23:39:59 yes

最初lvmh 出既ardbeg 10 2000年出
因為lvmh ardbeg 1997 年先distill
第1版既ardbeg 係完全用上手公司既野
食野求閪其 2020-3-3 23:46:32 唔怪得禁鐘意nas