A: It was very tricky to tell whether some of the great old bottles we know today are the work of pax or classic sherry cask, fact is there is very little document recording the usage of pax, i.e. how frequent was pax used? which distilleries used it most etc. It is however believed that pax was used for the rejuvenation of casks, instead of cask seasoning. There is just no way to tell which bottle used pax and which was from a classic sherry cask. One thing is clear though, the pressurisation of pax shall not be considered as the same as pax rejuvenation as they are totally different mechanisms.
好似clynelish咁 只有14年普款
咁既時候 你再試其他款既話就只有ib既選擇。 因為ib你會試到20 年 甚至3x年既clynelish
再者, 好多時ob你飲既話通常最能夠呈現間廠比到你既風格
飲ib 有時會可以試到間廠另一個style出黎
好似laphroaig咁 大家都覺得都係iodine消毒藥水 重smoke咁
再加上你飲死普款12 年 15年 18年
想試其他款 起碼仲有ib比你選擇