羅曉聰 2020-4-15 22:27:47


羅曉聰 2020-4-15 22:30:38
方皓玟 2020-4-15 22:31:26
Alderweirelamela 2020-4-15 22:37:33
羅曉聰 2020-4-15 22:38:56
羅曉聰 2020-4-15 22:40:15
黃威 2020-4-15 22:41:47
Alderweirelamela 2020-4-15 22:42:24
黃威 2020-4-15 22:42:54
方皓玟 2020-4-15 22:43:21
黃威 2020-4-15 22:43:39 話時話NAIA水平又如何?近年都好多香港人去左踢


方皓玟 2020-4-15 22:43:43
羅曉聰 2020-4-15 22:46:29
Alderweirelamela 2020-4-15 22:48:32
黃威 2020-4-15 22:50:27 依家踢緊既有何誠淵、何直軒、李卓翰、李肇諺、金聖諺等等,之前就有Toby同馮冠鳴
方皓玟 2020-4-15 23:00:47
方皓玟 2020-4-15 23:03:04
孫銘謙(左閘) 2020-4-15 23:03:24
羅曉聰 2020-4-15 23:08:48
羅曉聰 2020-4-15 23:12:16 The NAIA is a smaller association than the NCAA, with just over 60,000 students. It includes two divisions (Division I and II) and Division I in the NAIA is comparable to Division II in the NCAA.

網上 search係,佢地仲少片所以唔肯定
方皓玟 2020-4-15 23:20:09 HIFK主席話要減球員人工同裁員


方皓玟 2020-4-15 23:28:30
列斯奧 2020-4-16 00:46:50 好耐之前係咪有個龍門叫司馬自信
列斯奧 2020-4-16 00:47:14 好耐之前係咪有個龍門叫司馬自信
羅曉聰 2020-4-16 00:50:30 印象中無踢波 la