LIHKG 香港外流球員討論區(23)
TOBLERONE 2020-3-8 19:02:53 歐沖機會又黎了


TOBLERONE 2020-3-8 19:04:13 香港巴斯基斯咪去過囉
TOBLERONE 2020-3-8 19:04:55 英雄輝 出去未
TOBLERONE 2020-3-8 19:06:41 黃威去西班牙啦 岩踢
黃威 2020-3-8 19:25:01 西丙不了
羅曉聰 2020-3-8 21:23:15 擴充餐廳 menu
古巨基JoeL 2020-3-9 01:13:45 HIFK friendly對隊烏甲,remi正選踼足輸1-0
黃威 2020-3-9 01:29:22 8.3.2020 3pm HIFK - FC Mykolaiv (UKR) 0-1 (0-0)

HIFK played a training match today against the Ukrainian FC Mykolaiv in a training match at Side, where the team is currently in training camp. The opponent of the day is playing in Ukraine's second highest league level. It was HIFK's first match at the camp, where the team traveled early Wednesday morning. On Tuesday, FC Ruh Brest, who will play in the Belarusian Main Series, will face another training match before returning to Finland on Wednesday.

The only match of the match of the day was seen in the 56th minute and the Ukrainian goal was scored as HIFK's own goal.

HIFK played the following line-up:

30 Jaakko Kivekäs (46 ′ 35 Martti Puolakainen)
18 Matias Hänninen (69 ′ 14 Erikson Carlos)
16 Tino Palmasto (15 ′ 34 Tuukka Andberg)
26 Remi Dujardin
23 Nikolas Saira
8 Jukka Halme (46 ′ 6 Riku Selander)
15 Vitinho
5 Hope Xiong
19 Kevin Larsson
21 Sydney Lokale
9 Luís Henrique (62 ′ 11 Sakari Tukiainen)

- The opponent was a really tough team and a bit better than us at the game, but neither team managed to create very many goals. For many players this was their first appearance at HIFK this winter, so it was important for them to have valuable playing time. All in all, we've had some good training here, but this game left a lot to be improved, head coach Tor Thodesen said after the match.
黃威 2020-3-9 01:34:06 Remi有正選踢
黃威 2020-3-9 02:03:39 呢個陣Remi係咪打中堅
衛藤美彩 2020-3-9 10:48:46


古巨基JoeL 2020-3-9 11:26:11 有7個未發育咁
TOBLERONE 2020-3-9 13:29:57 踢一季再上西乙囉
TOBLERONE 2020-3-9 13:31:37 匈牙利/西班牙/北歐fusion 偽葡菜
古巨基JoeL 2020-3-9 15:52:21 yes, 442
古巨基JoeL 2020-3-9 15:59:52 hifk聽日對白俄超升班馬Ruh Brest
羅曉聰 2020-3-9 19:12:38 艾力士也被大連人簽下,雙方簽約三年。但由於實力實在是有限,艾力士在打完前兩輪中超聯賽后便遭到了雪藏,之後在夏季轉會窗口他直接被大連人撤銷了一線隊報名,截止目前他僅代表大連人在中超出場了3次,合計88分鐘,毫無存在感。也正是由於在大連人長期打不上比賽,艾力士在香港代表隊的主力位置也開始變得不穩固起來,世預賽40強賽他多是以替補的身份出場。據了解,在被大連人通知離隊後,目前艾力士仍在尋找工作當中,期間他一直託人幫他在中超或中甲找球隊,但受疫情的影響遲遲沒有進展,因此現階段艾力士也在考慮要不要重返港超聯賽。
羅曉聰 2020-3-9 19:13:26 佢以前已經有打中堅?唔係打防中多?
比D掌聲自己 2020-3-9 20:02:20 點解大陸唔閉門作賽
古巨基JoeL 2020-3-9 20:04:13
羅曉聰 2020-3-9 21:44:19


衛藤美彩 2020-3-9 22:49:17 改造囉
羅曉聰 2020-3-10 00:47:55 疫情嚴重
蘇格蘭議會 2020-3-10 07:17:39 除咗畜力,邊隊有錢簽得起

古巨基JoeL 2020-3-10 12:47:13 HKT22:00 踢