Nizi Project討論區
王陽明先生 2020-5-21 13:16:21 Rough English translations as follows:

2:04 JYP: You know, you guys are technically still in training--whose debut isn't even confirmed yet--and I totally forgot all that while watching you girls perform.
2:19 JYP: When the 3 of you were dancing--the angle of your arms, the speed of your movements, posture... everything... it's like the 3 of you were dancing as "One." (T/N: as in, the girls were completely in sync and seemed like one single unit or "person")
2:32 JYP: I felt, "Oh boy, this is gonna be good--they're gonna kick ass..."
2:37 JYP: ...right when y'all two--Maya and Rio--put on your jackets near the beginning of the performance, and you guys were doing it almost simultaneously!
2:46 JYP: Miss Rio--although all 3 of you did very well, the expressiveness of your voice stood out to me the most.
3:15 JYP: Even though you were performing such an exerting dance routine, you managed to continue breathing using your lower abdomen (T/N: breathing using your stomach, instead of your mouth/throat--this is how babies breathe and how we all first learn to breathe when born), and that helped your vocals remain vibrant and your pitch remain steady while singing.
3:34 JYP: Honestly speaking... what surprised me the most about this performance, to be honest... was how fast and energetic you were, Miss Maya!
3:45 Maya: I received power (T/N: as in, "energy" or "good vibes") from these two, and so my own power became brighter, and how my expression (T/N: her facial expressions, 'cause Maya kinda has that gloomy look/vibe, or to put it another way for English-speakers, RBF syndrome--no offense intended) became more and more cheerful is really thanks to these two.
3:57 JYP: Long story short--the only way a performance like this is possible is if the three of you get along well with each other, and practice hard together as one unit...
4:04 JYP: ...and for all that to happen smoothly, the Leader's got to do a really good job, and that makes me think that you--Mako--must have been an excellent Leader... good job.


登高入地恩為我 2020-5-21 13:29:35 覺得初出場好淡妝時加埋個神情幾似,上多咗妝後開始唔似。
王陽明先生 2020-5-21 14:09:15

魚膠粉 2020-5-21 16:49:44 我自己鐘意佢同未光淡妝多過韓妝
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-5-21 18:45:39 +1 佢兩個淡妝靚d
慈雲山同胞 2020-5-21 19:32:11 未光一開始紥馬尾look最靚,而家個髮型加make up有d老氣
魚膠粉 2020-5-21 21:11:41
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-21 23:24:51
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-22 00:29:36 今集個人排名有啲出人意表。
魚膠粉 2020-5-22 00:45:41 下part變劇團綜

王陽明先生 2020-5-22 01:20:38


蘿蔔片仙女 2020-5-22 01:43:46 Riria最緊要係繼續減肥, 實力方面反而唔太擔心.
王陽明先生 2020-5-22 01:48:08

王陽明先生 2020-5-22 02:07:04

小宅宅 2020-5-22 02:24:02 睇落感覺係咪打算9個人成團?上次好似都係9位以上有石🤔不過當然一切都係jyp話事。

金珉周(已畢業) 2020-5-22 03:01:27 jyp咁善變 未到最後一日都未知幾多人
王陽明先生 2020-5-22 07:26:22 Rough English translations as follows:

1:35 JYP: After watching this team's performance... I feel very conflicted, and--
1:43 JYP: I feel very happy and glad--and at the same time, I feel very disappointed and frustrated.
1:52 JYP: The happiness I feel is all thanks to Miss Riku.
2:03 JYP: I keep getting pleasantly surprised by your continuous evolution.
2:10 JYP: Last time when you performed "Who's Your Mama?", I was so surprised how a person who gives off the aura of a "good girl" could express the "douche-y" vibe of a "player" so well!
2:21 JYP: That shook me. I was like, "Whoa, Riku can do that?!"
2:26 JYP: And today--I didn't expect you could also be so feminine with your dance/movements!
2:35 JYP: All your movements were so precise, and nimble, and powerful...
2:42 Riku: Thankyouverymuch~
2:55 JYP: Miss Momoka, your voice is inaudible because it's getting drowned out by the music (T/N: JYP can't clearly hear Momoka's voice over the backing track), and even when you dance, it's not with the intention of performing, but rather, with the apprehension of a student taking an exam.
3:08 JYP: Yuna, you've been practicing at JYP Entertainment for 3+ years... yet, Riku danced this JYP Entertainment group's song much better than you. (T/N: ouch, basically saying an amateur performed a JYP song better than a current JYP trainee w/ 3+ years of EXP under her belt, which is embarrassing for a supposedly vetted representative of JYP Entertainment) (or put it another way, you're shaming JYP's good reputation for finding/being the best)
3:21 JYP: It really feels like the 3 of y'all are performing individually (T/N: as in, there's no group cohesion & it's more like 3 people who happen to be on stage at the same time rather than a unified group)
慈雲山同胞 2020-5-22 08:23:12 Mako第幾
魚膠粉 2020-5-22 08:46:19
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-22 10:42:10 最神奇係畀參加節目先開始訓練既riku lead住做咗兩年幾練習生既yuna,最後都係riku表現好啲。
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-22 10:42:54 唔知sony有無份決定?


東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-5-22 11:48:08
王陽明先生 2020-5-22 11:49:49 按照之前所說,JYP 會向Sony建議最終人數,所以Sony係被動的!
王陽明先生 2020-5-22 11:52:51
王陽明先生 2020-5-22 12:06:41 依家有8人得兩粒寶石