Nizi Project討論區
阿華田泡沫脆脆 2020-5-14 15:18:31


小宅宅 2020-5-14 18:49:15 咁講真,睇完都覺得佢地進步好大,而且練習啊訪談啊都感覺上有d團魂係度。不過nina今次個高音感覺有少少突兀左,好似高音得滯
慈雲山同胞 2020-5-14 19:31:24 而家nina係得高音,但其他不了
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-14 20:15:40 他還是個孩子呀。

阿華田泡沫脆脆 2020-5-14 20:34:27
魚膠粉 2020-5-14 21:34:40 JYP聽完個高音都黑人問號

不過進步好多 Akari Riria真係進步好多把聲幾令
麻油佳笑多D 好想睇佢笑
小宅宅 2020-5-14 23:03:36 不過都唔係,佢今次跳得幾好,起碼冇拖後腿。我諗以jyp既角度佢都應該係覺得nina跳舞進步左。雖然預告睇佢高音真係突兀,但到播出成首時可能又唔同講法,始終佢地係有老師教既,個高音唔係咁唱應該有老師阻止。其實我nizi裡面最pick nina嫁,所以見佢今次跳舞明顯進步左都叫有d恩惠
金珉周(已畢業) 2020-5-14 23:05:54
東方櫻韶琳飛傳 2020-5-14 23:17:08 唔太難認啦
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-14 23:49:32
「Nizi Project」虹のかけ橋 5月15日(金)0:59~1:29 LIVE
登高入地恩為我 2020-5-14 23:52:39 呢個眼妝化得有啲勁。


魚膠粉 2020-5-15 01:03:18
珍妮露比珍 2020-5-15 06:35:45
櫻花奈子推 2020-5-15 06:46:06 又話JYP 想救,但Ayaka team 贏左
阿華田泡沫脆脆 2020-5-15 07:39:01
櫻花奈子推 2020-5-15 07:49:36
魚膠粉 2020-5-15 08:18:35
王陽明先生 2020-5-15 08:21:13
王陽明先生 2020-5-15 08:22:32
王陽明先生 2020-5-15 08:23:34
Rough English translations as follows:

1:49 Miihi/Rima/Ayaka: Thank you very much~!!!
1:51 JYP: Huhaha!
1:53 JYP: Auhahaha!
1:56 JYP: Miss Ayaka, I'm really wondering if you're actually the same Ayaka that I knew before.
2:01 JYP: When the song first began, you did that wave (dance move)--do that again, please.
2:07 Miihi: SFX
2:07 Ayaka: Waves*
2:12 JYP: Like, I couldn't imagine that your back could bend that much! (T/N: less literally, JYP is amazed Ayaka could be so flexible with her hip/waist and do a proper wave)
2:16 JYP: That shook me while watching the performance.
2:21 JYP: For the first time then, I felt convinced you could be a proper idol in a girl group.
2:39 JYP: Miss Miihi, you seem like a completely different person with each new song--I find that incredible.
2:48 JYP: When you sang NOBODY...
2:53 JYP: ...and the time you sang Yuki no Hana...
2:56 JYP: ...and now singing this cutesy, energetic kind of song--you seem like a different person.
3:02 JYP: Your ability to immerse yourself in each new song is extraordinary--and I think that helps transform you into a "new person" each time.
3:19 JYP: Rima, today you were lacking nothing--if I had to give you a number grade, a 100 for you, Rima.
3:28 Rima: Thank you very much.
3:30 JYP: You sang super well today...
3:32 JYP: ...and your dancing was full of confidence and your individual "colour," and not just an imitation. (T/N: of the original dance routine)
3:42 JYP: It was beyond my expectations!
王陽明先生 2020-5-15 08:24:33
[NIZI Project Part 2] [ENG] Winner‽ Seaside Fairies (DTNA) VS Sun Rise (Very Very Very)! [虹のかけ橋]


王陽明先生 2020-5-15 08:26:15 我的主觀願望!
阿華田泡沫脆脆 2020-5-15 09:23:36
珍妮露比珍 2020-5-15 09:29:02 但依家講緊出道喎
慈雲山同胞 2020-5-15 12:04:46 岩呀,一句講哂你係佢杯茶你少少進步放大黎講,捧到你上天

個人設係呢想學izone 咁,有1.2個係實力型 ( Mako) 努力型 (Rio),彩花就清純 周周 果d