相沢みなみ 2020-3-22 12:17:41 Notice on Response Actions for the Novel Coronavirus (23) - Special Work
Arrangements from 23 March until further notice
Human Resources Office
2020-03-21 21:19
Dear Colleagues
Owing to the sudden surge of COVID-19 confirmed cases in Hong Kong over the last few days and the escalating risk of a potential community outbreak, the Senior Management has decided that with effect from 23 March 2020 until further notice, all staff (including research and temporary staff) should work from home except for those providing emergency services and essential activities on campus with precautionary measures taken. Operations should be maintained to the extent possible through deploying online facilities. The other arrangements as announced before, such as suspension of large-scale activities, and reporting/declaration relating to the novel coronavirus,
should continue.



來生不要黃皮膚 2020-3-22 12:30:46 某department lecturer(管理層) 已經話左polyu 唔諗住再開pass fail
因為pass fail影響學生揀fyp
好難再比pass fail
來生不要黃皮膚 2020-3-22 12:33:38 同埋polyu已經諗住用盡可提供嘅空間比學生番去考試
Hebe老公 2020-3-22 12:53:11 On9…某d dept sem 1已經做完fyp,咪又係比p/f
津路鳥龍茶 2020-3-22 12:57:20 屌你老母滕狗
伊朗 2020-3-22 13:01:32
來生不要黃皮膚 2020-3-22 13:02:25 講緊sem 2呀 柒頭
自從polyu上個sem比p/f, 工程3A2M 同埋Accounting big 4 仲有其他行大公司係咁比壓力
電機大家姐 2020-3-22 13:24:09
Pass fail根本睇唔到學生實力
難道沒跳閘太耐 2020-3-22 13:31:03
肥奸妃減肥 2020-3-22 13:49:01
傻仔開冷氣 2020-3-22 13:53:59


皇家空軍 2020-3-22 13:57:03 唔係掛
1 個nds ko 一個班房
來生不要黃皮膚 2020-3-22 13:58:35 係我同個阿sir/madam whatsapp知
(=.=) 2020-3-22 13:59:08 成班坐喺Podium考咪算囉 夠曬通風
皇家空軍 2020-3-22 14:05:04 邊間u 已經係會online exam?
我知hku 係
皇家空軍 2020-3-22 14:12:39 Alternative forms of assessment, such as written assignments, extended projects, video presentations, and etc. should be considered in lieu of invigilated examinations.
不過Email 咁寫 wor
MinJuFanboy 2020-3-22 14:16:27 可以download 落黎睇
肥奸妃減肥 2020-3-22 14:19:22
八架野鹿 2020-3-22 14:43:05 chrome down extension
幻想曲 2020-3-22 14:58:42 個app叫咩名
八架野鹿 2020-3-22 15:02:17


DoubleMay 2020-3-22 15:22:05 係chrome down 個speed control
九龍西老姑婆 2020-3-22 16:13:39 收皮啦 還我p/f
村上隆 2020-3-22 16:18:26 奇怪點解你deadline 同我唔一樣?
傷風 2020-3-22 16:46:00 此回覆已被刪除