又開追悼會 2020-2-19 21:11:16


有眼無珠 2020-2-19 21:11:24 Recess period唔知有咩用,根本全部online方為上策
電機大家姐 2020-2-19 21:43:03 俾時間大家去下旅行
有眼無珠 2020-2-19 21:44:11 趕住畢業
你痾咗未 2020-2-19 22:28:00
唔好搞我碗麵 2020-2-19 22:44:01 邊個敢去
清水魚 2020-2-19 23:11:44 此回覆已被刪除
四洲紫菜仔 2020-2-19 23:43:13 此回覆已被刪除
有眼無珠 2020-2-20 00:14:41 每日等緊呢個消息
四洲紫菜仔 2020-2-20 00:16:14 此回覆已被刪除
重新生活 2020-2-20 01:00:09 係咪背得好辛苦


及利亞血統 2020-2-20 01:18:13 背到死最後C+......
重新生活 2020-2-20 11:16:11 邊位tutor
PepperPotts 2020-2-20 11:36:02 幾時有IAO Exchange offer呀
callzero 2020-2-20 11:36:10 究竟到咗依個時候仲可以有group project要分組,啲lectures 係到諗緊乜

後來沒有我 2020-2-20 12:31:38 想問ser learn sem2+summer
冇病唔使戴口罩 2020-2-20 12:36:24
有眼無珠 2020-2-20 13:05:05 Poly之前有冇講明一定唔退學費?
唔好搞我碗麵 2020-2-20 13:26:09 +1
埋土science狗 2020-2-20 13:29:26 有呀屌


9. Will there be any reductions in tuition fees in response to the suspension of face-to-
face teaching?
To minimise the influence that may bring to students’ academic development, the
University arranges online teaching during the period when face-to-face teaching
could not be conducted. We understand that not all learning outcomes may be
achieved by online teaching alone and will therefore limit online teaching to the
first five teaching weeks. Please understand that the tuition fees are not refundable.
唔好搞我碗麵 2020-2-20 13:30:32 咁叫佢下個sem學費減半啦


秋山深一 2020-2-20 15:01:14

成堆fd係同一tutor group點知佢話隨機分組
八千里路雲和月 2020-2-20 15:08:14
傑出的一手煙 2020-2-20 15:52:37
一燈大c 2020-2-20 16:12:47 希望late drop deadline前有消息