[HKUSPACE]召集所有太空人面孔(44) 太空回水之sem2繼續鬥請槍!!!!
黃金有醉 2020-2-13 11:56:50 此回覆已被刪除


11111days 2020-2-13 11:57:22 出左gpa 明明果科份份都合格 都最尾攞F
黑衣巨人 2020-2-13 11:57:23
00000000007 2020-2-13 11:58:17
00000000007 2020-2-13 12:00:08
醉愛offerG0d 2020-2-13 12:00:35
太空糯米糍 2020-2-13 12:14:33 話說我之前有打去消委會到問佢地可唔可以幫手去處理學費嘅問題。佢啱啱打黎覆左我話因為係社會問題導致我地番唔到學而唔係因為學校發生啲咩事而導致我地番唔到學校,所以佢地幫唔到手去幫我地追學費
我都有問到上堂問題,佢地話學校提供virtual classroom已經算係係里個情況下做到最好嘅野,所以都投訴唔到。但如果有同學上嘅堂係用ppt上堂而唔係virtual classroom可以試下打去投訴,應該會受理
黃金有醉 2020-2-13 12:16:06 此回覆已被刪除
港大 2020-2-13 12:23:09 唉 virtual classroom 仲差過ppt
黃金有醉 2020-2-13 12:28:36 此回覆已被刪除
一團屎味民建聯 2020-2-13 12:34:37 我已經放棄左


畢架山車神 2020-2-13 13:20:59 Dear Students,

Since the current coronavirus outbreak is likely to prevail in Hong Kong for a longer while, HKU SPACE Community College has decided to use the online platforms for the delivery of all instructional activities until further notice. Please note the following arrangements.

Lecture instruction of all classes will be delivered during the regular timetabled slots using online and mobile means. Unless absolutely necessary, there will be no scheduled face-to-face meetings on campus.

The revision days on 17-18 March and April 9 will be kept as scheduled. Individual teachers may use any of these three days to organize additional online learning activities. Please pay attention to announcements by the course teachers.

The assessment plans of many courses will likely be revised. Revisions in the assessment plan for individual courses will be announced on SOUL by Feb 21. The College will ensure flexibility in the course assessment and marking criteria for this semester.

The College will continue to provide counseling and student support service, as well as career and university programme talks via the SDCS hotline and the online platform.

The on-line instruction has been proceeding smoothly in general, though we received several comments from students about connectivity. The IT Unit of the School and our teachers are working diligently to improve the connection and delivery of the on-line lectures.

Hopefully classroom meetings can be resumed in April. To increase opportunity for direct face-to-face contacts and to enable make-ups of learning activities that must be done on campus, such as labs and practicals, the College has decided to implement the following arrangements.

The teaching schedule for the semester will be extended to May 9. During the extension period, classes will meet during the regular timetabled slots of the week.

The final examination period will be deferred to May 11-May 31, provided the outbreak has subsided by then. All students taking examinations are required to be present in the examination venue. Many courses, however, will likely replace the final examination by continuous assessment means.
畢架山車神 2020-2-13 13:21:10 The College is considering offering a limited number of courses during the summer term to provide students who have had difficulties attending classes this semester with additional means of completing the graduation requirement.

Assessment results will be released by the end of June. We have been communicating with university admission offices to ensure that applications for direct entry by the Year 2 students will not be affected.

While most of our offices are currently kept open, anyone entering the campus is required to take a temperature measurement, wear a mouth mask, complete a health declaration form, and use hand-rub to sanitize the hands. Anyone showing symptoms of illness or returning from Mainland China within the past 14 days is not permitted to enter campus.

Please stay strong and healthy.

Professor Chan Lung Sang
College Principal
凍OT走甜唔該 2020-2-13 13:22:23 雖然hopper is a gd guy 但係真係頂唔順啦
連續兩堂無聲virtual class 人都癲 我知係technical problem 但係話要跟學校rules用Adobe 會唔會太墨守成規
黑衣巨人 2020-2-13 13:24:01 可唔可以問下pass fail?
太空糯米糍 2020-2-13 13:29:42 gpa都有問過,佢話因為成績上嘅野佢地都做唔到啲咩
史提夫汪達 2020-2-13 13:44:53 此回覆已被刪除
好撚辛苦啊屌你 2020-2-13 13:50:58 等咗成個鐘都唔比我上Virtual Classroom
菠蘿油舊牛油 2020-2-13 13:59:28 USP伏到無得再伏
嗶呠嗶呠卡 2020-2-13 14:05:59 有時上virtual classroom急屎急尿但又驚miss point唔敢去廁所
醉愛offerG0d 2020-2-13 14:07:26 VC先好


港大 2020-2-13 14:11:06 Video/ppt仲好啦 可以幾時睇都得
港大 2020-2-13 14:17:21 我直頭擺部機一邊無聽佢講,橫掂佢都係照住個PowerPoint讀

00000000007 2020-2-13 14:19:24
史提夫汪達 2020-2-13 14:22:59 此回覆已被刪除