[HKUSPACE]召集所有太空人面孔(44) 太空回水之sem2繼續鬥請槍!!!!
小村雛 2020-3-6 02:23:12 咁都係有好過無 收到conditional offer嘅巴打咪恩物


太空糯米糍 2020-3-6 09:00:31 hku上個sem都有pass/fail啦,學店咪又係唔跟
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 09:30:42
滿 2020-3-6 09:59:49 college principal recommendation scheme 出咗結果
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 10:51:51
滿 2020-3-6 10:52:40 Ching有冇apply
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 10:54:42
滿 2020-3-6 10:55:13
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 10:55:47 希望有用
滿 2020-3-6 10:56:28
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 11:01:43


小叉垃圾 2020-3-6 12:27:34 冇乜用老實講,只不過有好過冇囉
小叉垃圾 2020-3-6 12:28:44 唔洗跟啦,講真p/f係比d gpa低既人show先有用
史提夫汪達 2020-3-6 12:57:04 此回覆已被刪除
滿 2020-3-6 12:57:58 好似個個人有咁嘅
史提夫汪達 2020-3-6 13:23:21 此回覆已被刪除
黑衣巨人 2020-3-6 15:02:38 上年都係

吹屎眼 2020-3-6 15:26:07 有冇3.0x既人有
水牛芝士 2020-3-6 15:31:19 個事實係最尾都係睇GPA簡
畢架山車神 2020-3-6 16:00:40 Dear Students,

Following the decision by The University of Hong Kong to continue with delivery of all teaching and learning online for the rest of the Semester, please note the following arrangements for all CC programmes:

Instruction of all lectures will be delivered online till May 9, 2020.

There will be no examinations held physically in classrooms/exam halls; all assessments including end-of-term assessments will be done online.

For laboratory, studio or practical skills components of courses that need to be taught through face-to-face classes for some of the courses, the College will arrange for students to come to campus by groups to undertake the lab practice. When these students come on campus, they will be required to follow the College’s hygiene requirements such as wearing surgical masks at all times. For practicum that is normally done in a clinic or hospital or company, the programme coordinator will make announcement separately on the arrangement.

All courses, with the exception of a few experiential learning courses, will be marked on the basis of letter grades. There will be no PASS/FAIL option for assessment choice.

I have asked all teachers to review the assessment tasks to ensure they are suitable to be done online.

Please pay attention to the announcements on SOUL by course teachers or programme coordinators on specific arrangements.

The University and CC continue to monitor the situation of the current pandemic. Our priority is still the health and safety of our students and staff. We will try to find the best way forward to ensure our students receive the best learning opportunities given the circumstances.

Professor Chan Lung Sang
College Principal
脆辣雞腿 2020-3-6 16:05:20 All courses, with the exception of a few experiential learning courses, will be marked on the basis of letter grades. There will be no PASS/FAIL option for assessment choice.


我好鍾意你呀 2020-3-6 16:07:06 都係爛grade架啦
花旗私人銀行客戶 2020-3-6 16:09:23
有坂真白 2020-3-6 16:11:32 我愛online learning
豹盆糕糕匕竹 2020-3-6 16:13:17