[還n95 8210 清白] 3M官方講左8210 係防到virus & bacteria!!
lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:33:47



lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:34:17
lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:34:41 https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1794572O/surgical-n95-vs-standard-n95-which-to-consider.pdf?utm_medium=redirect&utm_source=short-url&utm_campaign=4p6t

lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:37:09

追風箏的傻子 2020-2-6 20:39:11
lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:40:43 唔好再見到人拎8210就笑鳩人防塵、還錯
lamskide囝👶 2020-2-6 20:40:53
Never侵B 2020-2-6 20:43:22 N95 同P100都係標準黎
你真係做前線醫護 工業用vs醫療用可能就有分別
我是利迷子 2020-2-6 20:50:52 依家幾多錢先 新填地星期一見到800蚊盒30個
TSLA 2020-2-6 20:55:13 p95得唔得?
天司長安寧 2020-2-6 20:55:41 Push


冬秋夏春 2020-2-6 20:56:13 同問
經過那些年 2020-2-6 20:56:21 此回覆已被刪除
smileZ 2020-2-6 21:01:42 琴日上3m website 研究


Comparing Standard N95s to Surgical N95s
Putting this all together will help you differentiate between a standard NIOSH-certified N95 respirator and a surgical N95 respirator. While similar in appearance, the key difference is the fluid resistance and the resulting FDA clearance of surgical N95s. But when is that fluid resistance necessary?

Many tasks performed by healthcare workers – such as patient intake and non-emergency patient evaluation – pose little to no risk of generating high-pressure streams of liquid and are not conducted in a sterile field. For workers performing such tasks, a primary potential hazard to consider is airborne viruses and bacteria, such as those generated by coughs and sneezes, which are effectively filtered by an N95 respirator.

Therefore, if a healthcare facility is prioritizing respirator use – due to, for example, limited supply during a health emergency – they may want to consider prioritizing use of surgical N95 respirators for those healthcare workers requiring respiratory protection while performing surgery or other tasks that may expose them to high pressure streams of bodily fluid or conducting work in a sterile field. For other workers who will not be performing such surgical procedures or do not need to maintain a sterile field, a standard non-surgical N95 (or equivalent) respirator can be worn to help reduce those workers’ exposure to patient-generated airborne viruses and bacteria.
半仙 2020-2-6 21:07:10
圍她G奶 2020-2-6 21:31:00 之前啲連登仔日日喺度話工業用工業用
Oracle 2020-2-6 21:33:45 on9以為地盤佬唔使接觸液體
包皮包皮包2.0 2020-2-6 21:34:08 9010得唔得?
我是牛我是牛 2020-2-6 21:35:06 同問
行路唔帶腳 2020-2-6 21:36:12 都話主要原因係佢個面無防水層
Onlangaugau 2020-2-6 21:37:33 同問


Narita_Brian 2020-2-6 21:38:24 8210可以炒到上萬蚊一盒了
Diulenomo 2020-2-6 21:39:22 此回覆已被刪除
冇咁嘅人喎 2020-2-6 21:39:43 之前啲人仲嫌工業規格唔要,宜家想買都冇了
行路唔帶腳 2020-2-6 21:41:44