2020-1-24 12:32:09

fakenews dlc sponsoref by ccp


綠色物體大浦浦 2020-1-24 12:33:10

一錫二鳥 2020-1-24 12:35:58 愛國病毒唔係講笑
杜門膠信 2020-1-24 12:36:16 此回覆已被刪除
周倉 2020-1-24 12:36:51 其他國家可能真係唔使 但係我哋香港係佢哋隔離咋屌你老母
爭取打交 2020-1-24 12:36:54 世衛係咪全世界最撚唔衛生既組織黎
冇名可用 2020-1-24 12:37:25 世衛先係終極攬炒支持者
天都遊俠 2020-1-24 12:37:34

[行動post] 武漢肺炎係上天賜比香港人打爆港共嘅機會,做嘢啦!!!
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

無綫新聞出賣港人 2020-1-24 12:37:51 根本由佢唔俾台灣加入已經知咩底細啦

copied from Reddit:
1. ⁠⁠When a 7.3 ML earthquake known as Nine-Two-One occurred in Taiwan, on September 21st 1999, China interfered with Russian's rescue team and claimed they are flying over China's airspace without permission.

2. ⁠⁠During the same disaster, other members of the Red Cross were ready to supply Taiwan with monetary and emergency supplies. But China decided to scold these members and stated they need its permission to help saving lives.

3. ⁠⁠In 1998, Taiwan had an enterovirus outbreak, and 3000 kids were infected with 80 of them unfortunately passed away. Taiwan requested help from the WHO but WHO refused based on the reasoning that China has the right to decide who in Taiwan gets to live. In the end the US sent in experts in the CDC to help control the outbreak.

4. ⁠⁠The same incidence occurred during the outbreak of SARS in 2003; China refused to let medical and epidemiology experts from WHO to come to Taiwan. The WHO only came when a major outbreak occurred in Taipei City Hospital Heping Branch. In total, 346 people were infected, and 73 people had died. In the same year, Taiwan was barred outside of the world health assembly in Geneva. A journalist asked the Chinese diplomat whether he have not heard of the need of twenty million people in Taiwan. The diplomat, named Sha Zukang, replied "We have already been through this [denied your request], have you not heard of the decision made in the assembly? No one cares about you!"
人生有幾多舊榴槤 2020-1-24 12:38:40 一向都係有人死先做 賭仔心態
你今日飲咗未 2020-1-24 12:38:52 你搬咗個總部去支那先再講野啦世衛


BetterWorld 2020-1-24 12:39:12 有中共插手就不可信 UN WTO
彼岸花不相見 2020-1-24 12:39:39 此回覆已被刪除
香港差佬屌你老母 2020-1-24 12:39:42 此回覆已被刪除
溫水煮肥蛙 2020-1-24 12:40:07 年年都唔少
WasabiB 2020-1-24 12:40:16 此回覆已被刪除
東龍西馬南幣北覺 2020-1-24 12:40:27 係時候美國台灣香港另起爐灶
BetterWorld 2020-1-24 12:40:34
話說 一個國家會否限制出入境 係自主決定

港共政府話世衛都認為情況不危急 所以唔封關及將中國武漢列為黑色旅遊警示 咁只係媚共

港共怕得罪中共 而世衛由中共掌控 三者連成一個邪惡資訊鏈
夏二十 2020-1-24 12:41:06 香港人是支持港獨才戴的口罩
バニラ 2020-1-24 12:41:10 邊境管制係人地國家內政又關你撚事咩
20461427(1號) 2020-1-24 12:41:24 北韓一早封咗關



john61020 2020-1-24 12:41:51 台灣不是世衛成員
埃理克小哥 2020-1-24 12:42:20 有聲
稜線縱走 2020-1-24 12:42:25 陳馮富珍
媽的貢丸. 2020-1-24 12:42:54 世衛:勁共勁共