[本地足球] 2019/20 港超聯、亞協及香港隊世盃外討論區 (60)
裘鸞奇 2020-1-25 16:50:43


大埔M哥 2020-1-25 16:52:58 請珍惜見到立神嘅機會
圖呢?(已甩P) 2020-1-25 16:55:48 此回覆已被刪除
黃威 2020-1-25 16:58:01 今年港超真係多災多難
CUM_ON_JAMES 2020-1-25 17:00:13
比D掌聲自己 2020-1-25 17:00:24 變做19-21年港超聯賽
祖樂比 2020-1-25 17:13:11 提早實施1月開季
大埔M哥 2020-1-25 17:21:36 唔洗等2023了
帶棗兒 2020-1-25 17:39:28 今季港超聯係咪都可以正式取消
驚犬死全家 2020-1-25 17:48:58 取消係咪畜力冠軍....
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 18:01:07 唔使取消嘅,一係延長賽期到年尾甚至下年


帶棗兒 2020-1-25 18:03:00 無冠軍咪得
黃威 2020-1-25 18:10:23 就算繼續踢畜力個主場都應該調番黎香港啦屌
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 18:18:18 Scmp 25-1-2020
Don’t forget us next year: women’s football’s plea after Hong Kong Lunar New Year Cup scrapped

Showcase game between a representative team and youth side cancelled because of Wuhan coronavirus but HKFA’s Betty Wong wants it part of annual plan
Head coach Ricardo Rambo wants to change thinking that women’s game is mere recreation as they aim for AFC finals in 2030

Hong Kong women’s football manager Betty Wong hopes they will not be forgotten next year when the Lunar New Year Cup is staged after being denied a showcase match at the annual tournament on Sunday. The event was scrapped on Thursday night by the Hong Kong government over the increasing threat of the Wuhan coronavirus. This year’s Lunar New Year Cup was to feature a game between Hong Kong’s women’s representative team and the “Stars of Future”, a mix of the under-23, under-18 and under-15s. It would have been a prelude to the main event at Mong Kok Stadium – a Hong Kong men’s team taking on a League Selection XI. Wong would have preferred if the game did not come about because of a lack of interest from foreign men’s teams. “Now we have the men’s and we should have the women’s but not just because they can’t organise some overseas teams to come,” she said.

Lunar New Year Cup to feature local sides because of the social unrest
7 Jan 2020

“It should be that we plan to have this game for women. We should have the same emphasis on promotion for men and women.” Head coach Ricardo Rambo said he was “disappointed” the opportunity to play on this stage had been lost.

“We all feel disappointed for the girls, for the opportunity missed to enjoy a game on Chinese New Year,” he said. “Anyway, we keep positive on the work and preparation for the competitions ahead.”
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 18:18:48 Lunar New Year Cup set for a boost after increased funding makes HK$10 million available to attract bigger clubs

While other Asian countries split funding more evenly or even forego the men’s game for the women, Hong Kong’s five strategic goals are mostly related to men’s football – with governance and “football for all” encompassing women’s football at every level. There were “lots of questions for the women’s side” at public consultations this month, Rambo said.

China’s Shandong Luneng claim 2019 Lunar New Year Cup win after bad-tempered final against Japan’s Sagan Tosu These ranged from the elite game to expanding grass roots participation, Wong said. She was the one answering them, just as she led the strategic plan for women’s football. There were questions on gender equality and allocation of resources. That can mean something as simple as pitches. “Sometimes we ask for better times or better venues,” Wong said. “I asked if we could have the youth league on Friday but they said Friday is very full because the boys have the youth league, with many age groups, and they can’t get the referees. “Usually, I think, we have a lower priority behind the boys and the men – maybe because they are more established.”

She cites youth players having to play in Tuen Mun on Tuesday nights. There are difficulties getting there for 6.30pm and if there are two games the second kicks off at 8.30pm, meaning a late finish of 10.30pm. The first is problematic to arrive in time to warm up and the latter often means parents won’t let their daughters out “so far and so late”. That can be less of a problem with the boys, because even if a player is not allowed there is always another to fill their place. “You can’t compare the boys and girls sometimes,” she said. “The girls, if the team has lost two or three players they can’t play.”

That comparison continues up to the top. “If you compare the men’s and women’s national teams, there is no comparison. Manpower, staff, resources,” Wong said. While sympathetic to the cost to run the men’s representative team, which is made up of professionals, the pair have asked for more for the women’s game in the new strategic goals.

Some people with influence in the FA still think “women’s football is just like leisure, recreation”, Wong said. “We don’t want to have this thinking,” Rambo said. They want to change that and their plan is “realistic because the gap is very close” with other Asian countries, according to Rambo. “Our goal is 2030 to go to Asian Cup Finals,” Wong said. That’s based on the current crop of under-18, under-15 and under-12 age groups, with the focus largely on a core from the under-15s who will be 24 or 25 by then. “We saw them improve quite a lot from tournament to tournament. What they need is more international exposure and more high-level games.”
Hong Kong ‘to become a top-tier football nation in Asia in 15 to 20 years’

Both are certain that these younger age groups will thrive because the women’s team is not far behind counterparts in Vietnam and Taiwan. Wong wants more girls to receive coaching by expanding the grass roots but the priority is elite development, namely more international friendly matches and player welfare.

Studies can pose a similar problem. “When they finish here, they go abroad,” Rambo said of 16-, 17- and 18-year-olds. Wong dreams of semi-professional contracts and players working for the HKFA or clubs part-time. “Many don’t even know we have a league,” Wong said. They actually have a senior league and a youth league but would like to add another age group to make it more even. The cancelled Lunar New Year Cup is a missed opportunity for exposure
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 18:28:46 菁英盃銀牌決賽恐延期






風暴兵-2187 2020-1-25 18:48:34 香港波咁少人睇駛鬼延期咩
小柏林圍牆 2020-1-25 18:50:15 閉門囉
一鎚定音 2020-1-25 19:00:27 全部搬去掃捍埔/將軍澳訓練中心算吧
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 19:02:20 垃垃式

我9 up:無需閉門作賽,港超可以放小西灣,咪少人睇,一日三賽善用球場資源,oncc可以推出d plan 三十蚊睇三場直播
帶棗兒 2020-1-25 19:03:28 銀牌波賽唔搞 雙冠軍咪得


羅曉聰 2020-1-25 19:11:24 快將36歲的王振鵬每年新年願望也差不多,先是幫助球隊爭取更多錦標,自己發揮正常及家人身體健康。他說:「細個喺大連,新年可放煙花,又燒炮仗,又可買新衫,又可收利是,感覺好熱鬧,嚟到香港踢波,多數喺度過年,初初有啲唔習慣,因香港唔可以放煙花,初二試過外出睇煙花,但太多人,之後好少去啦。」



羅曉聰 2020-1-25 19:12:31 至於剛回港重返傑志的安永佳表示,媽媽是港人,在香港成長,對農曆新年算熟識,他說:「過年係大節日,好多人慶祝,比新曆年更重視,有好多傳統食物,每年過年可收到好多親友派嘅利是。」他又表示鼠年好像利姻緣,希望今年可以找到女朋友,安永佳說:「今年重返傑志,當然希望球隊可以喺聯賽交出好成績,另外,喺亞協盃有好表現,如今年可以代表香港隊出戰就更加理想,但首要係喺球隊爭取到出場機會。」


大埔M哥 2020-1-25 19:12:58
羅曉聰 2020-1-25 20:11:30 尤其垃隊 d比賽,係屯門得幾百人