沈陣營第三百零三期 - 師父吹大雞買貨時間到,40大盜有得諗
LL 2020-1-25 19:08:09 雖然好嬲,不過佢真係可以激起手足士氣,希望佢3月唔好走住


沈門無業自由閪 2020-1-25 19:10:40 接左order唔俾封關啦擺明,封左咁啲官二三代去邊度醫?
Noma 2020-1-25 19:16:14 巴打記得U型水管要早晚倒1:49稀釋漂白水
避免去公廁 , SHIT有機會帶冠狀病毒

永動j(心如止水) 2020-1-25 19:19:45 無巴自己都小心,鍛煉好身體無事既
白澤 2020-1-25 19:25:46 //碰巧的是,法國去年10月出版了一本「中國威脅論」書籍《法國與中國:危險接觸》(France Chine, les liaisons dangereuses),其中一章就提到武漢P4,指出中國早在2003年沙士期間便接觸法國,提出協助建立P4的要求,因為中國希望能夠自己研究危險病毒,以更快處理沙士的情況,但法國當時不少人有很大的疑慮,擔心會被用作研究生物武器,結果花了多年才促成合作。//
LL 2020-1-25 19:41:05 雜雜呢招7傷拳,可能自傷己身賭一鋪,反正都係死路一條
VicF 2020-1-25 19:54:50 U.S. Plans to Evacuate Citizens From Epidemic-Stricken Chinese City
The U.S. government is said to be arranging a charter flight to evacuate Americans from Wuhan.

SHANGHAI—The U.S. government is arranging a charter flight Sunday to evacuate its citizens and diplomats from the epidemic-stricken Chinese city of Wuhan to the U.S., a person familiar with the operation said.

The operation comes as the death toll from a newly identified coronavirus that originated in Wuhan climbs above 40 and the number of confirmed infections tops 1,200, with many of the cases in and around the central Chinese city of 11 million people.

The fast spread of the disease in recent days across China and around the world, including two cases in the U.S., has raised fears of a deadly contagion.

Roughly 1,000 American citizens are thought to be in Wuhan, and the U.S. consulate there is reaching out to the ones it knows about to offer them a seat on the plane, the person familiar with the matter said.

The plane seats around 230 people, and will include diplomats from the U.S. consulate as well as Americans and their families. Those evacuated will be responsible for the cost, the person added.

The U.S. government won approval for the operation from China’s Foreign Ministry and other government agencies following negotiations in recent days, this person said.

The U.S. Embassy in Beijing and China’s Foreign Ministry couldn’t immediately be reached for comment Saturday, the first day of China’s Lunar New Year holiday.

The Boeing 767 jet will have U.S. medical personnel aboard to ensure that anyone affected by the newly identified and little-understood coronavirus is cared for and doesn’t spread it, this person said.

In addition to U.S. diplomatic officers based in Wuhan, any available seats may be offered to non-U.S. citizens, including diplomats of other nations, this person said, adding that the U.S. plans to temporarily shut its Wuhan consulate.

It couldn’t be learned where in the U.S. the plane would fly to.

Other governments are negotiating with Chinese authorities to arrange flights modeled on China’s agreement with the U.S., the person said.

通街都係處 2020-1-25 20:04:09 [殺到嚟]廣州城管 俾外母感染確診 之前曾去巡花市
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
VicF 2020-1-25 20:09:11 全面擴散,香港大開中門,冇事唔好四處走,勤洗手戴口罩,自己小心
VicF 2020-1-25 20:13:52 美帝都包機由武漢撤僑,肯定係失控,無政府狀態,根本人人自危
活像木偶誰會在意 2020-1-25 20:15:41 此回覆已被刪除


認撚住我(隻揪) 2020-1-25 20:20:47 此回覆已被刪除
屙篤尿下瓶 2020-1-25 20:28:35 之前路透講過,王志民已經講中左
LL 2020-1-25 20:42:15 最好唔好走啦,佢真係做咩錯咩,建制都想佢走,唔係選舉冇得番身
希魔 2020-1-25 20:42:57 台灣當局: 月底前6000個支那團旅客要躝岀台灣
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
沈.風 2020-1-25 20:48:33 成個中國都封關 澳門都做到野 係香港中門大開
Klopp_lfc 2020-1-25 20:53:26
LL 2020-1-25 20:54:12 加強關口防控都冇意思,發燒都可以人道理由照批入境,on99
VicF 2020-1-25 20:55:42 呢個就係喺武漢嘅美國記者,美帝撤僑26號佢走唔走就唔知道?

雷蛇苦主發出賀電 2020-1-25 21:04:29 此回覆已被刪除
活像木偶誰會在意 2020-1-25 21:05:23 此回覆已被刪除


VicF 2020-1-25 21:12:21 美帝肯定通過呢鑊武漢肺炎,研究支共嘅戰爭能力,我諗佢哋非常放心


打台灣? 未打自己已經玩完,台灣應對武漢肺炎就有效率得多
認撚住我(隻揪) 2020-1-25 21:14:29 此回覆已被刪除
VicF 2020-1-25 21:15:22 或者冇報
牛三GOGOGO 2020-1-25 21:16:04 掟埋入勞改營