LIHKG 網購外科口罩集中討論
Castitatis 2020-1-23 02:10:19 有eye visor喎


伴你不管福或禍 2020-1-23 02:10:20 Lm
攰寶貝 2020-1-23 02:10:48
五文字 2020-1-23 02:11:31 此回覆已被刪除
十八雙餸 2020-1-23 02:11:39

五文字 2020-1-23 02:11:55 此回覆已被刪除
曉喇媽 2020-1-23 02:13:40
雙GAY無限 2020-1-23 02:13:58

第一次用amazon 有無巴打知點解 明明寫直送香港 我填地址都係填屋企地址
我想瞓教 2020-1-23 02:15:01 lm
堅離地人 2020-1-23 02:15:08 ching呢隻我買過,唔係獨立包裝喎
鶼鰈情深似海 2020-1-23 02:15:30 此回覆已被刪除


掏龍刀 2020-1-23 02:15:33 A surgical mask is used inside the operating room or within other sterile procedure areas to protect the patient environment from contamination. It also protects the clinician from contaminated fluid or debris generated during the procedure. Surgical masks have ties so that they can be adjusted for fit, and are tied over top of a surgical cap or a bouffant cap.

A procedure mask is used for performing patient procedures, or when patients are in isolation to protect them from potential contaminants. Procedure masks are used to protect both patients and staff from the transfer of respiratory secretions, fluids or other debris. Procedure masks are used for generally “respiratory etiquette” to prevent clinicians, patients and visitors from spreading germs by talking, coughing, or sneezing. Procedure masks have ear loops for quick donning, and since they do not slide on the hair, they can be worn without a surgical cap.

點心餃子大王 2020-1-23 02:15:56 【綜合分析/討論】中国肺炎WARS 抗疫資訊及口罩攻略
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

兔兔打熊大 2020-1-23 02:16:14

呢款OK? ASTM-F2100-Level 2
掏龍刀 2020-1-23 02:17:20 上面有人話截單唔送香港啦
五文字 2020-1-23 02:17:23 此回覆已被刪除
城大出品 2020-1-23 02:18:02
雙GAY無限 2020-1-23 02:18:26 逃生門已關
曉喇媽 2020-1-23 02:18:31
掏龍刀 2020-1-23 02:18:37 自己同屋企人,唔駛獨立包裝啦
問我歡呼聲有幾多 2020-1-23 02:18:44 之前係誠哥台灣買


十八雙餸 2020-1-23 02:20:00 我買到夠免運
外賣仔(已辭職) 2020-1-23 02:20:04 A surgical mask, also known as a procedure mask, is intended to be worn by health professionals during surgery and during nursing to catch the bacteria shed in liquid droplets and aerosols from the wearer's mouth and nose.
我見維基百科咁寫 我都唔係好明
城大出品 2020-1-23 02:20:32 買左2盒130幾蚊 而為左慳運費 我買埋this
貴到 諗住前者for office 後者for高危場合
望咩望傻仔 2020-1-23 02:20:39