[Very fast] 狼隊 v 利物浦 2
莎莉絲花朗 2020-1-22 05:01:17 佢哋黑關我地撚事咩


Fabio.Alcantara 2020-1-22 05:01:19 阿俾var迫害得好緊要講真
終極痴線佬 2020-1-22 05:01:45 slk又助攻 我利唔賣垃圾
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:01:51 又可以瀬落利到
多你一個其實好多 2020-1-22 05:01:55 出黎都無5分鐘就入波,勁撚到
終極痴線佬 2020-1-22 05:02:45 福將 幾撚時躝
藍眼睛的愛麗絲 2020-1-22 05:02:51 kdb bug黎
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:03:22 今日佢其實麻麻
藍眼睛的愛麗絲 2020-1-22 05:03:54 佢最後一傳世一
多你一個其實好多 2020-1-22 05:04:41 阿古路高峰左有冇十年,屌佢老味3千幾萬,打足咁多年,年年都咁屈機
真普珠 2020-1-22 05:05:14 d馬撚次次搵利出氣


熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:05:47 30m抵到仆街
南野拓實唔拓柒 2020-1-22 05:06:01 好彩佢好快就走 曼城冇人頂到佢個射手位 好彩拉開左十幾分 如果佢同拿樸迪當fit打哂成季 利根本冇可能冠軍
dllmsosad 2020-1-22 05:06:19
咁耐都未2:0 錫咁勁
南野拓實唔拓柒 2020-1-22 05:06:40 Sheffield 快d角球死球入ok?
Fabio.Alcantara 2020-1-22 05:07:49 Who cares
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:08:06 岩岩有球musset敗家用後踭射波 屌你
多你一個其實好多 2020-1-22 05:10:37 1:1未
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:17:53 Q9: Why was the ‘triple punishment’ for denial of an obvious goal-scoring opportunity (DOGSO) offences changed for offences in the penalty area?

The main reason is that the award of a penalty kick effectively ‘restores’ the obvious goal-scoring opportunity that was denied by the foul. It was felt that a penalty, red card and suspension (the three/triple punishment) was too strong so the red card has become a caution (YC) but only for DOGSO offences which are an attempt to play the ball or challenge an opponent for the ball

Q10: Is every DOGSO offence in the penalty now only a caution (YC)?

NO – the Law has only changed for those DOGSO offences in the penalty area where the offender makes an attempt to play the ball or challenge an opponent for the ball. The sending-off (RC) remains for: handball holding, pulling and pushing (as these offences are not an attempt to play the ball) making no attempt to play the ball e.g. a deliberate trip an offence when there was no chance/possibility of the ball being played
韓妹子 2020-1-22 05:17:58 曼城真係會玩10分鐘角球戰術
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:18:41 錫一輸一球就打唔番上去


多你一個其實好多 2020-1-22 05:21:06
終極痴線佬 2020-1-22 05:21:54 一哥笑到我肚痛
紅色是利記 2020-1-22 05:22:39 一哥咩事?
熱血軒達臣 2020-1-22 05:22:47 CLS