晚晚奶欣宜 2020-1-24 14:58:41 此回覆已被刪除


雞蛋牛奶布丁 2020-1-24 15:29:59
衛蘭肥過架電單車 2020-1-24 16:03:56
林早洩契老豆 2020-1-24 16:05:29
Stereotype 2020-1-24 16:16:19
豆腐熊貓 2020-1-24 16:29:48 男人老狗要走入公司廁所喊

件事發生之後未喊過 因為覺得都係自己攞嚟

我冇事㗎 只係真係要啲時間
林早洩契老豆 2020-1-24 17:22:55
豆腐熊貓 2020-1-24 17:26:17 覺得喊完好攰

心鎖 2020-1-24 17:53:46
豆腐熊貓 2020-1-24 18:09:57 係 成個月都冇嘢
講傷心 嗰陣仲傷心過而家

衛蘭肥過架電單車 2020-1-24 18:38:21


微小的我 2020-1-24 18:50:10
雞蛋牛奶布丁 2020-1-24 18:51:05
林早洩契老豆 2020-1-24 18:59:37
心鎖 2020-1-24 19:08:46
林早洩契老豆 2020-1-24 19:14:27
衛蘭肥過架電單車 2020-1-24 20:40:53
初戀就遇上渣男 2020-1-24 20:43:21
初戀就遇上渣男 2020-1-24 20:44:40
prokofiev 2020-1-24 21:54:02 Yuletide greetings. Wishing you a season full of Yuletide cheer. My friend Amy isn't very well-to-do whereas her boyfriend's family is very well-off. Last month Amy threw a party where cheap wines were served. The sofas in her apartment are made of some cheap material. Her television is cheap and nasty. As some of us wanted to watch the news I said "if I could turn on the tv please" she then said "Sure. If you could switch to the news" She recently got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop that's about to go into liquidation. She bought a pair of cheap trainers that fell apart after a few months so I bought her a pair of good quality ones. She's too mean to buy new shoes. She's very cheap with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then she turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but the air conditioner was sort cheap. She vacationed in Macau three months ago but she's so cheap she didn't even buy us postcards. She stayed at a three star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. Amy is a flutist. She explained to us regarding a piece by Clementi "this passage should be played lyrically instead of rhythmically. Otherwise it's a bit cheap" I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, clean pedal, just separate, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time....Regarding teaching she said "I prefer payment in blocks. My students pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month it's ok to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis since you might wanna see what its like to have lessons. From next month onwards pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. Some of my students started learning flute when they were eighteen. Their fingers are less dextrous and slower than say a ten year old boy. So start training your fingers when you're still very young so that you'll get much faster fingers. Itll improve your finger speed, strength, accuracy and dexterity to a large extent. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers for live performances." Amy asked me to get her some Haydn scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. We watched a kickboxing fight in which Paul hit chris with a cheap shot after he lost to chris. We watched a comedy show as well which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His granddad was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. Amy is a bunny lover who has a Holland lop and a Netherland dwarf. Rabbits are prey animals which means they're everybody else's lunch in nature. A dog barking, a child shouting, an airplane roaring overhead, an ambulance siren wailing and a lightning storm can frighten rabbits. Therefore taking a rabbit on a leash isn't recommended..Indoor rabbits have a much longer lifespan than outdoor rabbits because they're protected from poor weather conditions and enemies. They feel safe, protected, sheltered, monitored and that they're part of the family! The average lifespan of an indoor house rabbit is eight to fourteen years while the average lifespan of a rabbit kept in an outdoor hutch or cage is three to six years. The happiest rabbit expression is called a binky. When a bunny binkies it jumps into the air and twists its head and body in the opposite direction before falling back to the ground. A happy rabbit even twirls, flops, stretches its legs and shakes its head. All these are telling you that it is happy and overall pleased with you and its life. Rabbit produce two types of droppings: fecal pellets and cecal pellets (aka cecotropes) The former are the dry round ones you usually see in the litterbox whereas the latter one are edible for rabbits which contains essential nutrients. Rabbits are one of the most abandoned pets in the world.
Stereotype 2020-1-24 22:13:56 係啊,可能好似你地講咁,感情未去到好deep 好deep




Stereotype 2020-1-24 22:14:26
Stereotype 2020-1-24 22:14:52
Stereotype 2020-1-25 00:12:33
雞蛋牛奶布丁 2020-1-25 00:23:03