[#AllOut] 車路士球迷與祝福全港警察及高官死全家討論區
山本五十六 2020-1-22 06:53:26 繼續用啦咁
下季 繼續 天神 搭 魯迪加 就最好啦?


堺雅人 2020-1-22 06:53:32 Frank said in his post-match interview that it was someone not doing their job.

有人估係艾狗,搞到得返Kante 一個守後防打反擊
劍聖一心(用槍) 2020-1-22 06:54:21 咁你買到邊個呀

山本五十六 2020-1-22 06:54:56 個防反係柒 但kante 明明包到 無啦啦又跣腳 做麥9
山本五十六 2020-1-22 06:55:28 咁下季 大家繼續睇 天神搭 迪加
FrankLampard_BB 2020-1-22 06:55:29 9up係最叻
R.Falcao9 2020-1-22 06:55:30 借+otb 應該有人要
深藏功與名 2020-1-22 06:56:52 條撚樣應該未去到簡迪就食牌foul
山本五十六 2020-1-22 06:57:00 以你高見 市場 搵唔到性價比高 既買
高價買又唔見 有咩球星肯黎
唔繼續用 天神搭 迪加 仲可以點?
德田重男 2020-1-22 06:57:15 唔好咁啦
球迷就睇波算啦 屌來屌去 雙方都唔happy
FrankLampard_BB 2020-1-22 06:58:23 咁你咪收嗲啦 屌你老母
又唔撚知買咩人 又係度叫人躝


FrankLampard_BB 2020-1-22 06:58:48 佢根本唔應該上去
堺雅人 2020-1-22 06:58:52 Frank Lampard describes Arsenal's second equaliser as a soft goal to concede, and says that it was again a case of his side needing to make more of the chances we create.
FrankLampard_BB 2020-1-22 06:59:13 換左高狗點create chance
KNO3 2020-1-22 06:59:37 好地地爭德甲唔好
堺雅人 2020-1-22 06:59:48 Lampard says the error for the first goal conceded was our players not dealing with the break properly on the edge of the Arsenal box, not Kante's slip that followed.
堺雅人 2020-1-22 07:00:23 Lampard reports that Tammy Abraham has ice on his ankle having been injured near the end of the game, but he does not know how serious it is yet.
穆眩 2020-1-22 07:00:45 此回覆已被刪除
劍聖一心(用槍) 2020-1-22 07:01:10
堺雅人 2020-1-22 07:01:51 Lampard says his team should have 10 more points than we do at the moment so everyone needs to look at the finer details.

Lampard appeals to the expected goals numbers when asked about same old issues for Chelsea this season. "We're bottom for taking chances"
堺雅人 2020-1-22 07:03:41 Lampard described the second goal as 'one you see down the parks every Sunday' and that 'it can't happen'.



馮提莫BB 2020-1-22 07:03:55 手球12碼都冇俾
Heampadu 2020-1-22 07:04:16 第十作客第四 打少個 兩度追和
FrankLampard_BB 2020-1-22 07:04:18 幾時炒條臭老雞
今季冇頭4 下季一定蝕到仆街
山本五十六 2020-1-22 07:04:44 大家討論車仔黎緊方向姐
我意思只都係天神 不堪大用 買咩人番黎試都好 佢都唔係長用既 首選