[Welcome Seiten] 巴塞隆拿球迷討論區 (330)
你點知的 2020-1-20 17:58:48
不過本說明書德文架 唔知睇唔睇得明


呀弟拖你 2020-1-20 18:00:49 Vidal年紀唔細喇喎,好難場場正選
S.Samper(玻璃) 2020-1-20 18:02:47 有契仔pubg
你點知的 2020-1-20 18:05:28 美斯 so9年紀都唔細

Vidal而家半場入先猛料 半激將法
呀弟拖你 2020-1-20 18:07:30 你講依兩件奉旨唔使逼搶
解散軍 2020-1-20 18:15:12 施帥講過鐘意古天奴
大師兄返來啦 2020-1-20 18:22:24 可能施帥見唔到古呢
你點知的 2020-1-20 18:24:31 退休前榨盡佢
DeJong疤狗 2020-1-20 18:28:04 可能係
上條當麻 2020-1-20 18:31:21 巴塞神鋒解臨倫敦
球王Balotelli 2020-1-20 18:37:33 老實講我未見過邊個由大會去拜仁/德甲踢唔掂


夜來瘋乳猩 2020-1-20 18:39:14 小妹
上條當麻 2020-1-20 18:39:39 入左10幾粒都比人嗌緊艾狗
DeJong疤狗 2020-1-20 18:41:17 我估守沙維教都係咁上下
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-1-20 18:41:36 高ling
球王Balotelli 2020-1-20 18:42:22 仲係咪多仔到
人地而家有新球王 唔洗佢了
球王Balotelli 2020-1-20 18:42:38
解散軍 2020-1-20 18:43:04 Setien: “I’m consented since we only conceded one shot which wasn’t a chance really in the first half and another against the post in the second which came from a lost ball. We did a lot of good things but now, I hope we gain fluidity and accuracy in front of goal." [marca]
解散軍 2020-1-20 18:44:07 📰 | Board meeting is organized today to solve the problem about the '9'. Big offers for Vidal and Rakitić will be studied, too. [@ffpolo 🥇]
上條當麻 2020-1-20 18:45:40 高大威猛 燒味陣地都得 邊到搵
球王Balotelli 2020-1-20 18:46:00 pukki


絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-1-20 18:46:48 puta
解散軍 2020-1-20 18:46:53 🗣 — Abidal(2 months ago on Dembélé): "He's getting better and I'm sure he will improve a lot at Barcelona. A specific job is being done with him".
絢辻詞(食蜂) 2020-1-20 18:47:12 拉 thank you and goodbye
解散軍 2020-1-20 18:49:55 真係last chance 走