LIHKG [先睇頭post 再發問] 日本上網卡 Wifi 蛋 懶人包 (10)
梁潮偉 2020-1-19 21:42:12 你可以 follow facebook 專頁. follow 左自動push 呢個post 新既speedtest result 同以往一樣, 你地有新既sim 卡用後報告的話, 請回報


如果你諗住起個post 係諗住問 "我諗住去日本 XXX , 去Y 咁多日. 想問邊張抵用" 的話, 請睇左個Blog 最頂寫住"日本Sim 卡懶人包"先.


另外大部份大路香港買到既日本sim 卡, 係blog 係已經有測試, 係你問"有無巴打用過 xxxxxxx sim卡, 好唔好用? 快唔快? " 呢d 問題之前, 先睇左Blog 下面呢個section "Japan Sim 分類" 先. 個section 一次出5張sim 卡介紹 . 自己會auto loop. 向左右slide 去下1頁.



個個去日本都實會買上網sim 卡. 為左方便眾巴打, 我寫左個Blog , 跟據係呢度個post d 巴打報既料, 分類唔同卡做左個總合. 每張卡一個討論, 可以係每張卡既post 報番你地既speedtest result.

Blog 網站呢度.
Facebook 專頁 : follow 左自動push 呢個post 新既speedtest.

個blog 需要既係, 你地繼續報料, 因為只有用過賴過野既人報料, 下次先唔會再賴野. 好野亦都係要人報過出黎先知係好野.

所以, 用完日本sim 卡或wifi 蛋, 記住影低 speedtest 既圖, 同做test 個地點. 下面係speedtest 個app. 請用呢個app 做測試, 因為全部都係基於呢個app 做標準.



頭一個section 係General 點揀wifi 蛋同sim 卡.

第2個section 係專講 日本Sim 卡. 一次出5張sim 卡介紹 . 自己會auto loop. 向左右slide 去下1頁.


第3個section 係講日本wifi 蛋. 自己會auto loop. 向左右slide 去下1頁.

第4個section 係講歐洲既sim 卡同Wifi 蛋. 自己會auto loop. 向左右slide 去下1頁.


舊post 如下



Ashley_Cole 2020-1-19 22:28:47 Banana Travel Sim 有無人用過?
梁潮偉 2020-1-19 22:59:57
買左張路路通 但有幾日會去郊區

Xs max

3HK 7 day 或者 路路通都得. 3HK 行docomo, 理論上北部會收得好d.
prokofiev 2020-1-19 23:33:41 i find the japanese culture very different to the chinese culture. We enjoy yum cha whereas they enjoy drinking green tea and watching baseball at bars rather than at home, soaking up the atmosphere. It's a good bet that the Japanese yen will continue falling in the next five and a half months so you may as well go to Hapsn on vacation for Chinese new year or at easter. I enjoy visiting the annual winter carnival where I go on the thrill rides and eat pancakes and sushi soaking up the nice christmassy atmosphere. The sunlight has been dazzlingly bright all week so you might just as well have a good long soak in an outdoor onsen soaking up the sun. In fact I've just got out of an onsen and am drying myself on a towel. If you're holidaying there for chinese new year or during the easter holiday I heartily recommend taking the airport express at IFC. It's very easy. Once you're at the ifc exit where you can head straight for Queens road central, enter ifc, go oast the escalator in front of you and keep walking until you come to another escalator. Go down it, turn left and go straight ahead. It's there. If you wanna travel to Shinjuku go through the gate, go down the escalator and look at the signs. You'll see which side is bound for Shinjuku. If you wanna have a coffee at J.Cafe, take the elevator to level four, go straight down the path and pass several shops til you clne to an intersection. Turn right and it's there. If you want to take a lift to a higher floor, turn left at the intersection and pass several shops until you see pure fitness on your left. Enter pure fitness and the lift is there. However if you ask me whether Australia is q great place to go for your holidays don't bet on it. There's nothing worth doing there. I love japanese culture and food. I even took the JLPT tests at N one level. My writing far outshines my speaking so the marks I lost in speaking were offset by those I gained in writing. My friend Sarah took the tests as well. She's a little weak at listening but strong in reading so the marks she gained in the reading part offset those she lost in the listening section. After the tests we spent money on clothes and shoes like it was going out if fashion. We went to the casino and gambled like it was going out of fashion. If you enjoy being in Japan you might spend money on cosmetic products and food like it's going out of fashion. If you enter the casino you might gamble like it's going out if fashion like we did lol. I thoroughly recommend climbing Mount Fuji which is a little off the beaten track even though you aren't staying in tokyo or Kawaguchiko, because the extra cost of traveling there is offset by the low admission fee. It's an arduous climb but the view is worth it. In fact my friend who's been there showed me his photos taken there by which I was awestruck. He said it was well worth it for the view from the mountaintop and the confidence that he had gained afterwards. Even though one of the nearby lakes has dried up, the remaining lakes reflect the beauty of the stars and Mount Fuji, giving a double view of the starry sky at night. The shape of Mount Fuji is clearly defined against the starry nights by which you'll be awestruck. You can even set up a tent and camp there to get the best of the night sky. Sometimes it's nice to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Again, the cheap admission charge offsets the rising transportation fee so it's worth a visit. My japanese friend Kawai is a swimming champion who easily outshines me in any swimming styles. She's tall and shapely who definitely has the edge over lots of swimmers. I work in Hotel JAP Tokyo. My cousin came to stay for a couple nights as company for me while my colleagues are away. By the way when ik in a hotel room I usually have the television on for company until I go to bed. My friend Sumio has received a commission to make a sculpture, do a sketch, paint an oil painting and wrote an article on picasso for the hotel.
prokofiev 2020-1-19 23:55:36 My Japanese friend Sumio has accepted a commission do make a sculpture, dp a sketch, paint an oil painting and write an article on picasso for the hotel. I offer heartfelt congratulations to him for having got a commission for a sculpture, a sketch, an oil painting and an article on picasso from the hotel since it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. I've always admired the exquisite colors of oil paintings be it a portrait or landscape. His palette consists of blues greens and browns while his former classmate whose also a painter paints from a palette consisting of reds whites and oranges. A palette, a set of paintbrushes and paints normally cost around a thousand dollars altogether. If you happen to be staying in the aforementioned hotel please remember the following because I work there: First if all, before washing your clothes please remove coins and tissues from the pockets and put only seventy percent of the dirty clothes in the wash tub. This will ensure your clothes to get evenly clean and the machine will less likely be out of order. Please wipe the drum with a towel after each use so as not to cause mould or mildew to grow in the drum. Second of all please don't set the air conditioner ul to more than twenty five degrees celcius. Otherwise it will not blow cold air and will smell bad. Third after cleaning the tables and the toilet with detergent or sudsy water please rinse a cloth or handkerchief with clean water and wipe them again so as not to cause discoloration. Lastly please do not nail or stick anything to the wall as the paint will peel. Finally enjoy your time in Japan. I remember two decades ago there was a protest where the protestors clashed with the police in Kyoto. I saw it on NHK then. I thought the police weren't tough enough. All the riot police were holding a truncheon in one hand and a shield in the other hand. In this way you can't really fight the protestors and arrest them since you have no free hands to grab ahold of them. That's why it took four policemen to catch ahold of one protestor. From a fighting perspective some of the police should be holding just a nightstick, some just a shield, the other both. And all of them should be trained as to how they fight when they're holding just a shield, holding just a baton and holding both. The police who I wholeheartedly supported only used tear gas in an attempt to drive the demonstrators away qguch was clearly not enough. The police shouldn't have been afraid of being criticized for using excessive force because it was utterly not the case. Foring rubber bullets and bean bags at the demonstrators was necessary, lawful and appropriate. Those who sabotaged the nearby buildings and the railings should've been sent to jail. The train network was partially paralyzed by the strike for many weeks. The world had brought the city to the edge of a catastrophe. The united states had already imposed trade sanctions against japan. The then Us president said he would take punitive action if the police there used excessive force. Japan was afraid that America would toughen punitive import tariffs still further on alcohol, food, agricultural products and clothes and worse still they would convince other nations to impose international economic sanctions on the country. Of course the downside was the costs of the products in America which they had imposed punitive import duties on would rise still higher. The economic sanctions against Japan wouldn't be dropped until the then US president's presidency expired a year later. The next day everybody was warned of the danger of violent clashes around the place only to discover that it was a false alarm. There were half as many people in the street. However as long as you followed the news and stayed away from places where there were demonstrations it was safe in Kyoto. On the same day a bus crash killed twenty passengers. Detectives assigned the blame for the accident to a hailstorm and heavy snowfalls.
油塘高普 2020-1-20 00:22:19 如果唔打機,ping值係咪唔重要? 諗緊用邊張好?5日名古屋,主要google map 上下網搵資料,最緊要穩定同快
梁潮偉 2020-1-20 08:09:20 100~200 ping 係可接受普通上網, 唔打機係無大問題
堀北真希2 2020-1-20 12:29:12 留名
未確認少年 2020-1-20 13:38:17 睇黎沖繩都係買定張3 既七日旁下身
皮蛋蛋 2020-1-20 14:20:05 truemove有無得諗
梁潮偉 2020-1-20 20:45:41 check 左, 聲稱無FUP, 即係無限



梁潮偉 2020-1-20 20:46:21 都得.
Ashley_Cole 2020-1-20 22:25:58 應該會試下
未確認少年 2020-1-21 09:57:30 5日既docomo選擇少得可憐
有冇pm🙏 超譯冇3HK 果張...
梁潮偉 2020-1-21 13:45:31 幻想達人巴打 嘅

同 pace巴打既
解決鶳 2020-1-21 17:30:21

路路通,Haruka 住天王寺途中
解決鶳 2020-1-22 08:02:37
梁潮偉 2020-1-22 08:08:30 試下d 7~9pm 時間
解決鶳 2020-1-22 09:22:58 Ok will do
皮蛋蛋 2020-1-22 17:23:04 但日本用softbank
解決鶳 2020-1-22 19:19:40


做到冇停手 2020-1-23 11:16:50 唔會呀,我上年去過四日,環沖繩全程用softbank都ok呀
冰島神宮 2020-1-23 11:45:09 其實沖繩收唔到softbank嘅地方唔多
皮蛋蛋 2020-1-23 11:53:55 喺沖繩 softbank大部分地方都收到4G?
冰島神宮 2020-1-23 11:58:07 無乜印象,因為都已經係兩年前去
load google map 無問題