[天下制裁! ]曼聯終極FF全政府&PoPo仆街死暨吹水區[765]
最愛的是得不到 2020-1-19 15:08:51 此回覆已被刪除


Fatso 2020-1-19 15:15:49 原來話暑假熱係出45m 歐買般奴, 依家想要80m 歐會唔會貪心咗啲

Manchester United’s attempt to sign Sporting Lisbon midfielder Bruno Fernandes have reportedly stalled because the clubs cannot agree a fee.

Sporting are demanding 80m euros (£68m) for the 25-year-old playmaker, a figure which United are unwilling to pay.

Talks are said to be continuing between the clubs for a player rated at 45m euros by Tottenham last summer.
KevinGameiro 2020-1-19 15:17:05 我覺得前四 有歐聯>>>>>杯仔
球星唔會因為你有fa cup而家盟

但你冇歐聯 sancho haaland呢啲係唔會黎
你冇幾年歐聯 就會好似早幾年利狗咁沉落去
平凡的樣子 2020-1-19 15:18:20 簽人戈個係木狗⋯ Bruno 單deal 冇人爭都搞成咁
放學ICU隻巴巴閉 2020-1-19 15:20:48 其實點解今晚唔可以 馬左翼 綠木正前
2chainz 2020-1-19 15:22:48 有冇人今朝有睇UFC

敏敏特穆爾ッ 2020-1-19 15:32:16 因為馬踢翼會變屎
卡夫耶 2020-1-19 15:33:06 攞個身型單薄既青訓對世一vvd
S_Kagawa(迷15妹) 2020-1-19 15:38:23 #mufc are prepared to pay up to £15m for Jude Bellingham. Birmingham City may have to accept the offer but they hope United loan him back for the rest of the season #mulive [@reluctantnicko
我愛一碌葛 2020-1-19 15:40:16 此回覆已被刪除
辛尼T.T(就轉會) 2020-1-19 15:59:06 鄰居點睇黑店坐地起價要80m


逆插玫瑰 2020-1-19 16:00:13 習慣咗啦
慈父菲利普 2020-1-19 16:03:37 今晚比人大炒,仲著獌狗波衫會唔會比人笑丫,獌狗
中場大師(暫別) 2020-1-19 16:03:51 此回覆已被刪除
觀塘馬後炮 2020-1-19 16:08:01 今年 英超 有邊隊 贏到利狗Wo
我愛一碌葛 2020-1-19 16:09:00 此回覆已被刪除
我愛一碌葛 2020-1-19 16:14:27 此回覆已被刪除
大蔥 2020-1-19 16:15:04 無啦啦爆閘
比錢買難受 2020-1-19 16:17:01 驚閪咩 痢柒左咁耐咪又係照著出街
森內貴寬 2020-1-19 16:19:07 唔覺綠木可以
Fatso 2020-1-19 16:19:36 出綠右馬中占左啦


岩呀岩啊 2020-1-19 16:26:59 今晚係咪有lin睇
觀塘馬後炮 2020-1-19 16:27:08 最怕佢 出Lin
慈父菲利普 2020-1-19 16:27:31 今晚著sob, 會唔會比指住笑so9
辛尼T.T(就轉會) 2020-1-19 16:32:25 On9