[天下制裁! ]曼聯終極FF全政府&PoPo仆街死暨吹水區[765]
熊熊瑟琪 2020-1-19 07:17:23 要佢好過madders啦 應該無咁貴


六點半新人 2020-1-19 07:17:57 究竟有咩方法可以趕木狗走?

六點半新人 2020-1-19 07:19:16 如果今季都冇前四,三間果邊既贊助好似就會少左好多錢
狗狗你好嗎 2020-1-19 07:22:11 講到輸場fa就會有前4咁
iluvhk 2020-1-19 07:29:39 林伯出簡迪送三分比我地追
慈父菲利普 2020-1-19 07:29:51 今年都係望fa cup先有機會贏,唔係諗住贏到歐霸掛
六點半新人 2020-1-19 07:30:04 其實依家即使係米奇盃對曼聯都好重要

特西 2020-1-19 07:40:26 冇 木同格拉沙friend過打Band
Michael_Carrick 2020-1-19 07:42:00 #mufc are prepared to pay up to £15m for Jude Bellingham. Birmingham City may have to accept the offer but they hope United loan him back for the rest of the season #mulive [@reluctantnicko]
Tacrolimus 2020-1-19 07:42:11 所以咪要磅水買人囉
下下都要等價啱先買,可能過多個零月你會見到Garner 同levitt 係一隊全勤
Michael_Carrick 2020-1-19 07:43:48 Solskjær: "Potentially we have the best left-back in England. Luke [Shaw] has the potential to be the best one, and that is the great challenge for him now, Brandon [Williams] has come in and done so well." #mulive [men]


Michael_Carrick 2020-1-19 07:46:51 Gomes sent a message to Young after his transfer was confirmed to wish the former club captain luck. "Always gave your all for the team and for the lads thanks for everything Youngy will miss you around the place broski," he wrote.

And Young replied: "Thanks Ang, always here for you bro if you need anything. Keep working hard my bro and massive future ahead of you. Keep your feet on the ground and level headed as you are."

Fatso 2020-1-19 07:49:59 呢到啲人買得貴又話做水魚,唔肯加錢又話買唔到人
Fatso 2020-1-19 07:53:31 原來都有人發現呢個輪換=出青年軍嘅問題,成日話唔好出呢個嗰個,但唔出=出20歲,仲要唔係勁嘅20歲。以前費sir年代,連後備都係國家隊成員,依家國家u21都唔知係咪
熊熊瑟琪 2020-1-19 07:57:18 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EOmesSrUEAAtzwM?format=jpg
熊熊瑟琪 2020-1-19 08:02:34 #mufc are prepared to pay up to £15m for Jude Bellingham. Birmingham City may have to accept the offer but they hope United loan him back for the rest of the season #mulive [@reluctantnicko]

garner levitt bellingham mejbri
朗隊回家吧 2020-1-19 08:10:06 有時間去主場睇下佢先
熊熊瑟琪 2020-1-19 08:16:54 你就好啦
淡妝安惠真 2020-1-19 08:19:07 沉寂數日之後,史奈達的未來現在又有了新的消息。英國《太陽報》今日發佈獨家消息,稱這位荷蘭王牌已告知曼聯,願意下調自己的薪酬要求。史奈達此舉只有一個目的,希望能早日促成轉會紅魔。
六點半新人 2020-1-19 08:29:51 其實除左龍門既清新後備都冇邊個係國腳
綠木(青訓) 2020-1-19 08:35:45 Levitt


奧脫福剪草員 2020-1-19 08:46:17 跟本就係板凳深度唔夠
以前講緊打後備嘅係奧沙 費查 小豆 星 沙夏 嘅level 依家係u23 u18 差好遠
以利沙 2020-1-19 09:06:36 Deal la diu
英倫10號拉舒福特 2020-1-19 09:09:48 全世界包括我唔睇波嘅老豆都覺得我哋一定輸
熊熊瑟琪 2020-1-19 09:12:01 我個好少睇波嘅淺黃老豆話我地就黎輸