[工程屍]2020 準見習工程師 搵工情報&失業調查(17)
風間萊維 2020-1-19 13:06:21 same here


Zichrinii 2020-1-19 13:21:45 此回覆已被刪除
Ferocity 2020-1-19 14:08:28 咩科?
Zichrinii 2020-1-19 14:11:55 此回覆已被刪除
碳元素 2020-1-19 14:21:55 濕鳩material
Zichrinii 2020-1-19 15:01:02 此回覆已被刪除
原味公仔麵 2020-1-19 15:22:44 佢冇理到你
迷失於表參道 2020-1-19 15:23:49 佢咪講左佢讀civil
原味公仔麵 2020-1-19 15:33:26 轉頭再睇返
奧雅納高級工程師 2020-1-19 16:21:12 咩sector姐係client / Consultant / Contractor
唯願天道成 2020-1-19 16:29:55 香港工程得番construction/building


和絕望做朋友 2020-1-19 16:45:28 好後悔中學嗰陣冇聽z巴講
風間萊維 2020-1-19 17:00:55 準備乞食
ukengineer 2020-1-19 18:00:59 Probably you needn't a MPhil or MSc degree for MICE CEng as both HKIE and Engineering Council (UK) are signatories of the Washington Accord. However, there has been grumbles in the UK about why BEng degree courses from other countries are recognized and eligible to apply for CEng while the locals here need a MEng. I don't know whether the policies have been changed at the ICE. Just drop the ICE a line for information.
原味公仔麵 2020-1-19 18:03:12 港燈apt test會唔會好似MTR咁篩走勁多人
維歐 2020-1-19 18:27:43 此回覆已被刪除
起身番工 2020-1-19 18:46:06 雖然讀書咁多年,都比人瘋狂唱淡工程
Zichrinii 2020-1-19 19:46:39 此回覆已被刪除
Zichrinii 2020-1-19 20:06:50 此回覆已被刪除
Zichrinii 2020-1-19 20:13:49 此回覆已被刪除
維歐 2020-1-19 20:43:42 此回覆已被刪除


我愛李一桐 2020-1-19 21:09:40 Z巴真係好有恆心

Judg 2020-1-20 08:57:28
ukengineer 2020-1-20 09:14:32 你地依代人幾慘
Judg 2020-1-20 09:54:02