唔做大陸人 2020-2-7 21:28:46 支那人はどれも無実ではありません
線啦煎話 墮呢磨 抹之絕爹話 阿烈嗎些


山頭廢青 2020-2-7 21:30:03 樓主用咩相機 好靚
垃圾速龍 2020-2-7 21:31:19

垃圾速龍 2020-2-7 21:34:59
Ohlala~ 2020-2-7 21:40:42 係scan得唔好定點
d grain睇落有d怪怪地
Ohlala~ 2020-2-7 21:40:57 a7r3
垃圾速龍 2020-2-7 21:44:59

影咗兩張 呢張點睇

單身狗冇朋友 2020-2-7 21:46:35 此回覆已被刪除
亢瓏有悔 2020-2-7 21:52:50
Ohlala~ 2020-2-7 22:00:48 我重口味d,鍾意色水濃d嗰張
prokofiev 2020-2-7 22:16:15 My friend John is learning Japanese. He soaks up new words and grammar patterns very quickly. In the classes he soaked up everything the teacher says. When "Fukushima" is a Japanese word you should stress the second, third and last syllables. But when it's an english word the stress is only on the third syllable. His vocabulary is very large whereas his cousin's husband who's also learning Japanese has a fairly limited vocabulary. He tries to learn eleven new vocabulary items a day to enrich his vocabulary. He has a vocabulary of around fifty thousand words while his cousin's husband has an active vocabulary of about three thousand words. Of course your passive vocabulary is much wider than your active vocabulary. What's the best way of learning new vocabulary ? What's the most ideal way to expand your vocabulary? Well everyone is different. For john it is via reading, creating sentences with new words in them, writing and pronouncing them. For his cousin's husband, it's through reading a Japanese novel over and over again until he remembers every part of the story. There was fairly light traffic on Queens road central yesterday. After midnight there wasn't much traffic in the road but today the traffic is unusually heavy. I'm held up in a traffic jam. Nevertheless tomorrow I'll leave home early so as to miss the traffic. This afternoon I ate lunch in an Italian restaurant originally but I realised I didn't like the menu. As I was leaving a waitress came up to me so I said "thank you. I'm in the mood for a different cuisine today. I'll be back another time. Thank you for your hospitality." A couple found out they didn't like the menu too so they said "thank you but we've changed our minds" By the way Bundle up! Wrap up warm. Its freezing outside. I'm bundled up in a scarf, a crew neck t-shirt, a V-neck t-shirt, a turtleneck t-shirt and a down jacket. I've even bundled up my dogs. Put on some more clothes in case the temperature goes down still further. The temperature has dropped rapidly in the past eight days so wear lots of layers and be sure to get enough rest. Keep warm! Charles is in a mood. He's in a bad mood. He said he wasn't in the mood for chatting let alone shopping. His friends said he was in one of his moods so they're keeping out of his way. I'd better ignore him as well. My brother too said "I had better stay out of his way as he's in one of his moods"


讓我說下去 2020-2-7 23:52:12

你老母大減價啦 2020-2-7 23:56:45 In Tokyo Disneyland
腦筋急轉down 2020-2-7 23:57:46
投基買股嫖 2020-2-7 23:59:42


菲林機 渋谷同銀座
Ohlala~ 2020-2-8 00:08:58 leica?
Ohlala~ 2020-2-8 00:10:28

Ohlala~ 2020-2-8 00:11:07 請問係邊隻菲林
投基買股嫖 2020-2-8 00:12:03 Fujifilm業務用100
音道 2020-2-8 00:18:47 入嚟諗住比負皮
讓我說下去 2020-2-8 00:25:06 Yes all noctilux


唔撚想返工呀屌 2020-2-8 01:03:04 樓主用a7咁用邊幾支lens

雙扒飯 2020-2-8 03:04:29 其實帶夠野去瞓就無問題架喇




痴線佬(牙堀老公) 2020-2-8 10:28:31
Ohlala~ 2020-2-8 11:13:23 上個trip帶咗24gm同福仔50 apo