有無2019年fg 搵工搵到好灰
羅曉聰 2020-1-26 12:19:03


罷撚就 2020-1-26 12:39:34 已好多application dead埋添啦
prokofiev 2020-1-26 13:16:38 My friend Joe is a CFO in HSBC who receives a six-figure income per month. Joe is a Taurus whereas his wife is a Capricorn. Originally his cousin Ken had a press conference yesterday but it was delayed for four hours. As time went by tempers flared and harsh words were exchanged. Violence flared up as they scuffled. Several people who dressed in flared jeans were injured in scuffles with the security guards. Ken went back home before the news conference started because he had a barbecue party at his house during which some of his friends spilt too much oil when they were barbecuing the steaks causing the barbecue to flare up. There was a sudden flare as his friends barbecued some chicken. As time passed the sky was getting darker so they began lighting candles. Some of the candles flared then flickered. Others flickered and went out. Ken set off the fireworks. His sister Amy helped let off the fireworks too. Everyone else stood there admiring the flares of the fireworks. After four hours the press conference finally began. Conflict flared up during the debate. At one point the conflict threatened to flare into a lawsuit. Half an hour later the conflict quieted down but trouble began to flare up in several other districts simultaneously. Amy has lots of clothes in her wardrobe such as a formal dress that flares out into a train, a pair of flares that flares at the ankle, a skirt that flares just above the knee, a pair of chinos that flares just above the ankle, and a skirt with flares. Ken has a horse in his garden. It's funny. When Ken is late to feed his horse, its nostrils will flare in anger. Then Ken will flare his nostrils back to communicate with it haha. Both Tom and Amy have a breezy smile and a breezy personality. Both are an easy-going type of person. I like their breezy manner very much. Tom honours his parents and is thankful for everything they've done for him. His sister is also a good daughter while his brother needs to be a better son. In the east, parents and teachers stress the importance of filial piety which means Chinese parental respect. The teach that you should honours your parents and take care of them. Tom's cousin had stolen his Gucci watchstrap lately so it became a matter of honour to tell him about it. My brother felt honour bound to tell him too. Tom's dad is a man of honour and great integrity. Both of us are kickboxing fans. John will be fighting Chris for the middleweight title in August for the honour of his country. Winning the middleweight championship is a matter of personal honour, family honour and national honour. A few weeks ago, John's church held a feast in honour of John. Tom asked if I would do him the honour of accompanying him to the feast which I did. It was a great honour to meet John. When he saw us he said humbly "It's a signal honour to have you here Tom" We asked him if he would do us the honour of becoming our kickboxing coach. He said "I'll see" A couple of waiters did the honours and greeted the guests at the door. After we sat down John said to a waitress "Will you do the honours and cut us a piece of chicken?" He said to us "I would be honoured if you would come and see my fight in August" We gave him an affirmative response. Last year Dana said to John "I would be honoured if you attended the hall of fame ceremony" which he did. He was honoured for his performance in his last match. He was honoured with an award for excellence in wrestling. By the way lots of people bought front row tickets at half price or less for the next kickboxing event due to a computer error but the organisation stated that they would honour these tickets nonetheless which cost cost up to a million dollars in lost earnings.
垃圾留學生 2020-1-26 13:17:35 加SARI ,真係唔洗搵工,大把公司執得
反正愛情不就這樣 2020-1-26 23:16:48
羅曉聰 2020-1-27 12:49:22
神仙小bb 2020-1-27 14:20:55 大家初幾會再開始搵工
得閒改名 2020-1-27 14:25:09 此回覆已被刪除
羅曉聰 2020-1-27 14:52:02
會員或用戶名稱 2020-1-27 15:34:31 此回覆已被刪除
警察OT老婆3P 2020-1-27 18:57:47 個個都報到MT?


會員或用戶名稱 2020-1-27 19:02:05 此回覆已被刪除
長度30cm 2020-1-28 10:55:33 巴打有無tg
羅曉聰 2020-1-28 23:54:40
莫等待 2020-1-29 00:00:49 其實Yr 2,3,4已經要諗定將來要做乜

政府工仲難 基本上Perm既Officer級都一年一次
但自問無依啲料想搵低級少少其實都難 因為好多佢2-3年招一次


只要入到就上岸 但三大八大就最好唔好CA/ACO啦

利申左先 無番過任何INTERN 依家食緊屎
垃圾留學生 2020-1-29 00:04:12 今個新年後應該都無工,因為疫症,唔執都偷笑
暴龍妹妹 2020-1-29 01:41:38
孫彩瑛 2020-1-29 03:09:49 睇黎好彩d最快都要2月

上班貓(窮) 2020-1-29 11:56:16 同我好似
返左4個月 照寫落去
羅曉聰 2020-1-29 14:13:23
戴祖儀bb 2020-1-29 14:50:53


港超一定好 2020-1-29 14:54:16 Finding
毒牛 2020-1-29 17:02:31 11月尾裸辭完
不過其中一間係細公司 但in我個manager好似幾有料
籮飯焦分俾人食 2020-1-29 18:08:43 同你一樣

不割蓆張六常 2020-1-29 18:31:08 此回覆已被刪除