Taylord 2020-1-31 22:02:48 有冇人睇咗miss americana

好鍾意睇佢寫歌啲clips 真係talent黎
(不過首only the young麻麻地)
同埋有啲位真係幾感動 幾sad


二寶軟糖 2020-1-31 22:38:53 睇左 認真唔錯 唔悶
7r 2020-2-1 00:27:05 Kesha's "TiK ToK" has now surpassed 400 million streams on Spotify.
7r 2020-2-1 00:27:38 5 years ago today, Meghan Trainor's 'Title' debuted at #1 on the Billboard 200 with 238,000 sold.

It spawned the Diamond certified #1 hit "All About That Bass".
7r 2020-2-1 00:28:49 Taylor Swift's "Only the Young" has reached #1 on US iTunes.
7r 2020-2-1 00:29:19 Kesha's 'High Road' has reached #1 on US iTunes.
7r 2020-2-1 00:29:34 Louis Tomlinson's 'Walls' has entered the top 10 on US iTunes.
7r 2020-2-1 00:33:11 Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" has now surpassed 200 million streams on Spotify (song).
元朗水行俠 2020-2-1 00:54:42 但我覺得only the young啲歌詞好正
wejuststrangers 2020-2-1 03:57:50 有人會買billie演唱會
實驗室個緊急掣 2020-2-1 05:19:01 好想睇啊


一直是一個人 2020-2-1 08:28:14 Meghan Trainor Talks Treat Myself, Nice To Meet Ya w/ Nicki Minaj & Her Wedding

宇宙滾豆 2020-2-1 10:41:31 https://soundcloud.com/user-209448905/dont-doubt-ur-vibe

Elon Musk has a song
likeshits 2020-2-1 10:57:46 想問dua係咪先係連登真•女兒

wejuststrangers 2020-2-1 11:55:39 Troye之前都炒倒痴線 今次billie會唔會又係咁
D能仔 2020-2-1 14:18:39 I am promoting Dua
Join the army
老麥點餐機 2020-2-1 14:57:30 https://youtu.be/3wPugYWzqOI
Ally Brooke - No Good
老麥點餐機 2020-2-1 15:01:12 相反shawnmilla一出現就即刻爆曬負皮
老麥點餐機 2020-2-1 15:54:39 https://youtu.be/ujby_E-5obQ
Fenn Rosenthal - Dinosaur in Love (feat. Tom Rosenthal) Offical Video
老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:36:46
老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:37:54


老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:40:26
老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:40:42
老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:44:11 Bops after bops she don’t let us rest

1. Future Nostalgia
2. Don't Start Now
3. Cool
4. Physical
5. Levitating
6. Pretty Please
7. Hallucinate
8. Love Again
9. Break My Heart
10. Good in Bed
11. Boys Will Be Boys

Dua同Billie要光復Best new artist
老大徒傷悲 2020-2-1 16:55:55 Echosmith - Lonely Generation (Album)
