即影即有貼相 / 集中討論post (14)
呵欠欠 2020-2-14 15:26:13 睇佢Demo相,可以用畫面真係兩張郵票咁上下


呵欠欠 2020-2-14 15:38:05 https://www.fujifilm.com/news/n200213.html?fbclid=IwAR0TjKcXK5V6Dp9yeGbLostTGUku328yjPJmAtebJk4ktSrT8mAi1goPy5I

Traveling with your undeveloped film and instax film in U.S. airports

Tokyo, February 13, 2020 — New and enhanced scanning technology at airports and other security checkpoints, especially in the United States are introduced since 2020.

Those machines may provide more damaging to unprocessed film and instax film than previous generations of scanners.

To protect your valuable film and photographs, Fujifilm encourages you to carry your film in your carry-on baggage and always ask for hand inspection regardless of film sensitivity.

Thank you very much for your continued support of your products.

QuickSnap (Single-Use Cameras)
Instax Films (instax mini / SQUARE / WIDE)
🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2020-2-14 19:37:43 雖然唔太熟哩部相機
-@-@ 2020-2-14 19:38:40 全部都缺貨 知唔知邊間有貨啊
🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2020-2-14 19:45:22 But, In Taiwan, you need to take out every single unprocessed film for hand inspection - as the customs in Taiwan will check your unprocessed film by their eyesight.

"If you do not take them out and show it to me, how can I inspect?"
A customs officer in Taoyuen Airport said to me.

To protect your valuable film and photographs, I 🍼Milk-sweet-medicine-diluted 💊 encourages you to used up ALL your film BEFORE CUSTOMS OFFICER IN TAIWAN ask for hand inspection regardless of film sensitivity.

-@-@ 2020-2-14 20:10:59 請問行貨同水貨有咩分別啊

🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2020-2-14 22:21:14 唔係行貨咪水貨囉

林夕 2020-2-15 22:58:35 此回覆已被刪除
小楓 2020-2-16 16:47:40
魔魔薯 2020-2-16 16:59:28 有人係kickstarter問左呢個問題,應該是因為相機快門開口太細的關係…
🍼乳甜藥稀💊 2020-2-16 19:19:10 一張本來已經細嘅相再只有2/3有畫面


金鐘的某個地方 2020-2-16 21:28:57 梁國雄議員
金鐘的某個地方 2020-2-16 21:29:53 勁 已follow
林夕 2020-2-17 19:57:10 此回覆已被刪除
林夕 2020-2-17 19:57:25 此回覆已被刪除
林夕 2020-2-17 19:57:57 此回覆已被刪除
拖過地心吸力 2020-2-17 20:16:36
林夕 2020-2-18 19:12:50 此回覆已被刪除
呵欠欠 2020-2-20 01:30:55 聽講mini又出新機…
呵欠欠 2020-2-20 01:31:09 lomo,完
非gay維修員 2020-2-20 07:37:05 咁lomo wide定500af好



呵欠欠 2020-2-20 10:57:18 Lomo wide
500af 壞機唔知去邊整,lomo可以成部換
非gay維修員 2020-2-20 11:36:08
非gay維修員 2020-2-20 11:41:46
我自己本身有隻lomo instant automat
呵欠欠 2020-2-20 12:31:59 成套都係貴幾舊,有多樣野玩無壞