LIHKG [Netflix劇集] THE WITCHER(3)
法明奴 2020-1-12 19:16:30 有講去沖涼


升降機(Hydra) 2020-1-12 19:24:32 我單純以為
阿伯話金龍先係 佢無反駁
我以為稀有=高級 所以識變人都好平常
小孟 2020-1-12 20:36:45 除非你當電影拍1-2集就算,否則長遠黎講,拍長篇一定要搵後生女。

yen 呢個演員其實都叫演到個神粹,
新迷基特派員 2020-1-12 23:24:06 想問點解yen開頭同黑鬼扑野咁多人觀戰
高過你 2020-1-12 23:49:58 做孤狼結局可以返去殺個三個巫女???
死左爛做似隻狗 2020-1-13 00:07:12 個阿yen明明全程魔法都肥佬 , 做邊樣衰邊樣點解最尾淘汰到其他人? 點解其他人變左魚?

同佢搞野果個黑人係鐘意佢定做咩接近佢? 同佢一齊又分開完全唔知做乜9

條龍咁勁又扮人同班友上山搞咁多野做咩 , 一野噴火死撚晒啦

女朋友樣靚身材正 2020-1-13 00:17:36
高過你 2020-1-13 08:49:53 無, 有無片可以睇返點殺埋最後個老巫婆?
高過你 2020-1-13 08:57:29

柔道龍虎榜 2020-1-13 12:14:55

紺野美奈子 2020-1-13 13:15:57 Game既Yen j得過


紺野美奈子 2020-1-13 13:21:50
紺野美奈子 2020-1-13 13:26:14 故事感人
升降機(Hydra) 2020-1-13 13:52:26

King Robert of house Baratheon
Ching 2020-1-14 20:48:39 香港誠品貴一倍
N3PS 2020-1-14 21:49:21 初初睇套劇
以為個詩人係witcher 3 果個中東詩人fd
忠犬汪汪汪 2020-1-14 23:35:35 等得嚟game都爆咗
無敵大雞巴 2020-1-14 23:45:46 yen做自己私家雞
NERDER 2020-1-15 00:01:33 個詩人的確係 witcher 3 個詩人 FD 丫 Jaskier Dandelion
小倉由菜 2020-1-15 00:23:23 toss a coin to your witcher


冥幣銀行行長 2020-1-15 01:59:27 Copied from a reddit reply:
'Jaskier' is an original Polish nickname of Dandelion (real name Julian Alfred Pankratz vicecount de Lettenhove). In Polish the word 'jaskier' refers to a yellow flower of genus Ranunculus* that bears no special connotation other than being a nice flower. The most common English name for that plant is 'buttercup' that, incidentally is a common term of endearment used in reference to kids, especially little girls. Thus, to avoid association with infantility (although Sigismund Dijkstra would have something say in that matter), effeminacy or condescension, translator have chosen other flower name that bears no special connotation. Dandelion, being also a bright yellow flower was an obvious choice.
If there is a word 'Jaskier' left in English translation then it must have been an error of the publisher. 'Jaskier' and 'Dandelion' are and always has been the same person.
*On a side note, in German and Swedish translation the bard is known as Rittersporn/Riddarsporne, after another plant of genus Ranunculus known in English as 'larkspur'.
AZ-5 2020-1-15 11:53:40 邊到買台版書最平最抵?
本身玩左witcher 3,岩岩睇完season 1, 唔夠喉
馬些路路 2020-1-15 13:19:45 上博客來訂唔駛麻煩
N3PS 2020-1-15 15:09:59 係game次次幫佢執屎