Peas international(63)
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 07:16:19 我無聊鳩噏下啫


蒜頭獸 2020-6-16 07:30:09 我好似聽到林鄭講中華人民共和國香港殖民地區
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 07:33:42 早晨在在
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 07:33:55 咁早嘅
蒜頭獸 2020-6-16 07:55:21 以前同老母講有狗佢唔明 而家佢成日講
賜個offer俾豬 2020-6-16 10:22:32 古德莫寧
蒜頭獸 2020-6-16 13:21:00 古古茹
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 13:59:43 唉bro why so serious
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 14:00:20 唔覺very tiring咩
此用戶曾經存在 2020-6-16 14:07:32 訓啦柒頭
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-16 14:12:48 晚安


蒜頭獸 2020-6-16 16:13:07 Liberty, the first word that comes to my mind when I think of America. The United States of America is known as the home of the brave and the land of the free. The recent act in Hong Kong continued for half a year, tens of thousands Hong Kongers went out to the street to fight for what they believed in. However the government ignored our demands, we were forced to use violence against the tyranny. “Give me liberty or give me death” a speech from Patrick Henry fits Hong Kongers’ mind perfectly. The universal value in Hong Kong has fallen, what we want is freedom, it was never granted by the Chinese Comminust Party after the handover. Some people may wonder, why are the teenagers waving the American flag even though they aren’t American. My answer is they hope the American can notice what’s happening in Hong Kong and help them.
蒜頭獸 2020-6-16 16:15:11 咁撚樣嘅垃圾文都拎到全校第一
蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 01:26:09 老母已經諗定著草計劃
蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 01:26:36 唔知用咩公仔嚟形容個表情
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 05:04:57 寫得唔差
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 05:05:12 諗住去邊
蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 07:06:40 佢話跟佢本bno
蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 07:08:42 但係喺香港仲有好多嘢咩做
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 07:09:22 幾好
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 07:09:32 唔驚嘅又唔係一去不返


蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 07:10:04
蒜頭獸 2020-6-17 07:11:29 如果去之前支爆就好了
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 07:14:01
畢氏岸狗 2020-6-17 07:14:23 希望啦