True Wireless 真無線耳機討論 (37)
理性皇 2020-1-21 17:35:31 Active 個coating 舒服過75t 好多
利申: 用過65t active 1年


理性皇 2020-1-21 17:35:52 未有,放得嚟差唔多
熊熊蝦 2020-1-21 17:37:02 原來係咁,我都諗緊買XM3 定 75t, 好難揀
我願榮光歸香港. 2020-1-21 17:50:44 有冇巴打知邊到買airpods平 唔洗pro
特務司徒 2020-1-21 18:04:15 有咩差過預期?
冇錢途嘅工程仔 2020-1-21 18:19:42 環境聲同降噪開完同冇開一樣

Nipple利 2020-1-21 18:47:49 分析力唔算好差姐 你係咪戴得唔好 我試過戴得唔好會差好遠 啲聲衰撚過airpods
佢個降噪我除左搭飛機係明顯地覺得有效果外 其他時間用都係哂鳩氣既

唔計佢個build quality 同埋個樣 真係只值1500
KNO3 2020-1-21 19:07:00 一樣諗買wf 1000xm3定 75t

主要都係聽下歌 新聞 睇下youtube咁
冇錢途嘅工程仔 2020-1-21 19:18:45 點叫戴得好

傾電話係幾ok嘅 唔使話特登大聲對面先聽到
環境聲真係冇乜feel 可能我嗰隻做得衰
Nipple利 2020-1-21 19:35:01 我開左環境聲都幾明顯有支咪係收緊街聲

佢啲聲3頻都飽滿 冇話邊隻聲特別出 音場都闊 不過清晰度係唔高 可能係尼個原因令你覺得炒埋一碟
L.Torreira 2020-1-21 19:51:28 想問點update ,全日文唔識睇


大學生 2020-1-21 21:07:13 此回覆已被刪除
食屎啦理科仔 2020-1-21 22:04:17 領域b&o e8 2.0 $1800 有冇伏
含J地產 2020-1-21 22:20:36 此回覆已被刪除
五毛澤東 2020-1-21 22:21:58 我都係用chrome開然後禁translate做英文
理性皇 2020-1-21 22:27:08 如果論音質,我會揀XM3
理性皇 2020-1-21 22:29:41 如果要聽歌,我會揀XM3。音質好過我以前對65t (75t用返舊65t driver)。
五毛澤東 2020-1-21 22:34:23 可以對照住網頁上嘅圖去做

1. Please install FALCON exclusive firmware update application "Noble Upgrade (beta version)"

2. Follow the normal usage procedure and make sure your phone and Falcon are paired

3. Return one to the charging case.#

#The following explanation is when Left side is returned to the case. The update process must be performed twice, once for each side.

4. While listening to the sound, press and hold the Right side button for 12 seconds and release it.
[The notification sound is as follows]
Pom, Pom Pom, Pom Pom Pom, Pom Pom Pom, Release → Notification Sound: Punpun

5. Check that the orange LED blinks three times before returning it to the charging case. Keep the charging case close to your smartphone to maintain stable communication

6. Launch the "Noble Upgrade" app

7. Tick the box "NOBLE Falcon-R" and press "CONNECT" below

8. Confirm that the display of the connected Falcon is connected-bonded and press the "Start Upgrade" button below

9. Wait until the data transfer and rewriting are completed and "Upgrade Complete" is displayed. Then click "OK" to close the popup. If processing is interrupted during the update process, FALCON may not be available

10. Remove the other earphone and repeat from step 4
冇錢途嘅工程仔 2020-1-21 22:43:46 巴打換咗耳膠/棉?
Nipple利 2020-1-21 22:49:28
Nipple利 2020-1-21 22:49:59 但唔算特別出


支那元朗城寨 2020-1-21 22:55:17

遊生玩水 2020-1-21 22:56:45 千幾蚊買大陸野 不了
食屎啦理科仔 2020-1-21 23:08:25 想問領域買耳機有冇伏?
歌浠森先生 2020-1-21 23:18:46 對耳機無咩認識 想問平時做運動 聽歌睇電影 應該用邊隻比較好 同埋如果想試聽 可以去邊試 感謝