Poly taught master 2020
走腸熱狗 2020-4-20 13:30:56 我都覺好少位我仲要報pt



每日要喝寶礦力 2020-4-20 14:02:45
傻狗狗 2020-4-20 17:22:58 你幾時報?
走腸熱狗 2020-4-20 17:33:18 3月中
張子稀 2020-4-20 20:03:51 4月頭apply 近排先交錢
專業女仕 2020-4-20 20:18:06 我都係
親親我袋底 2020-4-20 20:28:32 有冇準備讀master civil嘅同學仔可以相認下
張子稀 2020-4-20 20:40:45
Maccas 2020-4-20 20:46:42 有無mech撚
垃圾人生 2020-4-20 20:47:06 Poly it 同 cu cs 都有offer 大家會點簡?🤔
幻想殺手 2020-4-20 21:57:14


和牛肉麵 2020-4-20 21:59:37 有冇人in完 accounting and financial analytics
醉愛寶豬 2020-4-20 22:03:56 通常apply左幾耐先會有interview?
循環性 2020-4-20 22:05:41 20個其實好多

醫院邊有咁多位 仲少人過rt
Zichrinii 2020-4-20 22:24:51 此回覆已被刪除
走腸熱狗 2020-4-20 23:18:21 In 養和we trust

傻狗狗 2020-4-20 23:40:24 師兄咩post?
走腸熱狗 2020-4-21 00:36:49 唔喺度自爆啦呢行太細

Spectabalis 2020-4-21 19:52:25 前幾日先畀錢
Application being considered
每日要喝寶礦力 2020-4-22 09:04:25 有無巴打知道寄完文件 要幾耐先收到email 通知完成registration
Bu巧依事 2020-4-22 11:33:36 早排send過email問佢佢咁覆
Thank you for your email.
You may have noticed the surge of COVID-19, we are currently running a reduced service. It takes time for us to verifying the documents, an email will be sent to you once the qualifications are verified.



每日要喝寶礦力 2020-4-22 11:40:23
thx Ching
小白與我 2020-4-22 13:33:13 bs or mech?
讀完mech係香港做咩lol? R&D?
嘿嘿 2020-4-22 13:45:45 Mechan 乞食的

香港得BS and Utilities


利申 垃圾mechan 仔
Maccas 2020-4-22 14:07:44 Mech