英倫扮工室(29)時代革命 光復香港
KangGary 2020-3-5 05:38:47


gumtree001 2020-3-5 06:11:16 Amazon
高級農夫 2020-3-5 06:12:12 失緊業
用緊working holiday visa所以啲工都幾唔穩定
JJ55699 2020-3-5 06:13:04 7093 斷貨,60926斷貨
JJ55699 2020-3-5 06:15:22 你都幾撚唔好彩
gumtree001 2020-3-5 06:15:47 香港用?
JJ55699 2020-3-5 06:16:36 倫敦
gumtree001 2020-3-5 06:26:46 我覺得手套重要啲
我生我命 2020-3-5 06:29:53 聽日去倫敦過weekend 驚驚地
我生我命 2020-3-5 06:35:34 jubilee salon 搵Christina
gumtree001 2020-3-5 06:36:48 瘋狂洗手


gumtree001 2020-3-5 06:37:48 Kings College hospital has confirmed that two recent patients have tested positive. A spokesman for the south London hospital has said:

The trust has had two recent patients who have tested positive for Covid-19. We have strict protocols in place to manage the control of infection and to reduce the possibility of cross-infection, and this includes restricting access for staff and visitors to the ward.

Public Health England experts are carrying out contact tracing and will be in touch with individuals who may have been exposed to the virus to provide them with advice.

For anyone who has symptoms of coronavirus, call 111 or visit here as the first port of call.
JJ55699 2020-3-5 06:42:37 有100對透明膠袋手套,返工放工用完掉
我生我命 2020-3-5 06:42:40 大部分時間留係酒店算,好彩平時都唔會去太多人既地方
高級農夫 2020-3-5 06:50:01 不要再說了
高級農夫 2020-3-5 06:52:05 係房呀
但唔想住house 想住公寓果啲
書中自有黃金蝦 2020-3-5 08:23:19 Walk-in 定要 make an appointment ?
Alucardo 2020-3-5 08:57:52 咁住倫敦係咪要驚到瀨屎
我生我命 2020-3-5 08:59:00 要book
gumtree001 2020-3-5 19:48:24 An employee in HSBC’s research department in London has tested positive for coronavirus, three sources have told Reuters.
The employee informed the bank at the weekend and staff who came into contact with him have been told to work from home, a source familiar with the matter said.
Deep cleaning is taking place of affected areas, the source added.

HSBC evacuates Canary Wharf office after confirmed coronavirus case
jensuispersonne 2020-3-5 20:11:53 此回覆已被刪除


jensuispersonne 2020-3-5 20:12:08 此回覆已被刪除
KangGary 2020-3-5 23:42:30 通常留學生喺呢邊可以搵咩兼職可以暑假做?
蘋果金寶 2020-3-6 00:00:36 Hi all,
香港份普通office admin工做埋今個月,無生意想做多個月都唔得。本身係BC 都打算去英國試下搵工,不過家陣疫情可能要再觀望下。Lm 再爬下文先
專業按摩師 2020-3-6 00:09:07 好快出街戴口罩唔使俾人怒啤啦