英倫扮工室(29)時代革命 光復香港
高級農夫 2020-2-28 23:33:51 報告大家
個landlord 超級nice咁肯比我走
仲話黎緊呢個月可以偷雞帶個personal heater比我用因為我間房真係特別凍


升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-28 23:56:01 好黎好去
Alucardo 2020-2-29 00:14:06 負皮既師兄係咪BTC 蝕過錢
jensuispersonne 2020-2-29 06:05:45 此回覆已被刪除
gumtree001 2020-2-29 17:54:42 佢昆鳩左你 你仲話佢nice
吉你一刀 再俾塊膠布你
倫敦啲landlord 真心黑多白少 你check下佢間屋epc rate
專業按摩師 2020-2-29 23:07:35 啱啱見完工 local company 基本所有問嘢都答到 technical questions as well


其實英國見工係咪好多嘢都係人夾人緣? 定係搵返啲M N C會好啲
英國巴打 2020-3-1 00:18:58 有冇Cambridge嘅人?
搬咗嚟四個月 想識新朋友
gumtree001 2020-3-1 00:28:54 Panic buying start.....
Ocado says it is “experiencing exceptionally high demand” from customers who “seem to be placing particularly large orders.” Here is the email:
One reader writes:
As someone who works in local govt, the emergency preparedness plans being put in place and resilience forum talk terrify me, as well as having friends in the NHS that know full well they wouldn’t cope ...

So my purchasing is for -

Disinfectants and alcohol gels/isopropyl alcohol, as well as bleaches etc. This is to quickly apply to hands or pieces of clothing or masks to disinfect. Most pharmacy shops are sold out and have notices up so I went to a DIY shop.

Medications as I have [an autoimmune disease], and most of the precursors for my drugs are made in China. I’ve been told there was a long delay for some of the drugs I need, especially liquid nutrition drinks which replace my solid food intake.

Some food that is non perishable and doesn’t need gas/water/electricity to be eaten as, if the documents I’ve seen (similar to the leaked ones on the news a few days ago) are true, infrastructure will be patchy. This is more for neighbours and family as nobody is brave enough to say “OK, this is serious” and act on it.
gumtree001 2020-3-1 00:31:20 應該有cd rom
Gott_ist_tot 2020-3-1 00:40:56 會唔會好快搶廁紙
gumtree001 2020-3-1 00:46:34 好有可能


gumtree001 2020-3-1 01:14:21 「突發」香港人肯搞工會、入工會未?
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
陳小娟 2020-3-1 01:32:00 如果要寄野返香港,你地通常點寄呀?普通royal mail?
KangGary 2020-3-1 01:46:09 我呢啲無車嘅要用delivery,已經開始儲罐頭
KangGary 2020-3-1 01:46:31 寄咩先? 口罩?
gumtree001 2020-3-1 03:38:54 Ocado 囉
jensuispersonne 2020-3-1 03:39:43 此回覆已被刪除
高級農夫 2020-3-1 03:55:06 本身佢真係可以唔比我走架
KangGary 2020-3-1 04:20:56 用開tesco
陳小娟 2020-3-1 05:13:09 唔係呀,普通幫屋企人買supplement
KangGary 2020-3-1 05:14:40 我上次寄口罩都係用royal mail,方便啲


jensuispersonne 2020-3-1 06:05:36 此回覆已被刪除
gumtree001 2020-3-1 06:29:58 咁又係
gumtree001 2020-3-1 06:30:32 Ocado 高汁啲
gumtree001 2020-3-1 06:33:35 最平得royal mail. DHL account price 都比royal mail貴不過係快好多