英倫扮工室(29)時代革命 光復香港
升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-6 17:01:48


強打少年 2020-2-6 17:41:09 我IB唔比我買盈富 其他platform係咪一樣?
Alucardo 2020-2-6 19:56:49 London 食幾次好少少既日本野夠直接飛去日本食
升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-6 20:17:27 eat tokyo同misato都好食呀 唔算貴
gumtree001 2020-2-6 21:14:08 切J都要去食
gumtree001 2020-2-6 21:14:56
升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-6 21:17:34
gumtree001 2020-2-6 21:20:09
升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-6 21:25:56
gumtree001 2020-2-6 21:37:40
CTWLMAO 2020-2-6 21:44:14 applying tier 2 visa from Hong Kong as a new entrant, can anyone help answering some questions please??

telegram: RobertNeville666


Alucardo 2020-2-6 21:44:54 有野問直接po 啦
升降機(Hydra) 2020-2-6 21:45:24 之前咪有條tg group link既
Alucardo 2020-2-6 21:47:29
jensuispersonne 2020-2-6 21:48:03 此回覆已被刪除
CTWLMAO 2020-2-6 21:56:47 my main question is that if I'm considered as a new entrant, can I apply for 5 year straight away ? or is 3 year the maximum length of stay? if so is there anyway to extend after the 3 years?
Alucardo 2020-2-6 22:09:29 https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general/extend-your-visa
CTWLMAO 2020-2-6 22:15:48 thanks while this page is slightly vague but I have read in the guidance PDF under new entrant says: the applicant must also not be applying to extend their stay under tier 2 beyond 3 years and 1 month;
that's why I wanted to ask if anyone has experience in this route and know the full details of it
Alucardo 2020-2-6 22:27:42 post link to that document? can't find that paragraph
jensuispersonne 2020-2-6 22:30:49 此回覆已被刪除
CTWLMAO 2020-2-6 22:30:56 thanks mate
p.54, at the end of section "new entrant"


jensuispersonne 2020-2-6 22:31:43 此回覆已被刪除
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-2-6 22:46:37 你自己問你係咪個三個conditions啦
乜東東芫茜䓤 2020-2-6 22:48:40
Gott_ist_tot 2020-2-7 00:03:47 唔係Brighton咩