連登有冇人喺indiegogo買咗Philips PicoPix max?
#sosad 2020-1-17 18:41:36

energy saver mode可以用多半粒鐘

Netflix終於support 1080p

另外剷咗官方YouTube app改用client


搖擺賓州 2020-1-20 09:51:18 睇fb,依家先開始ship 10xxx
搖擺賓州 2020-1-20 09:52:36 巴打ship咗未?
輸劍因愁鹿 2020-1-20 12:37:59
輸劍因愁鹿 2020-1-20 12:38:41 仲諗住拎落街幫手做放映
搖擺賓州 2020-1-20 13:06:29 我嗰陣都係咁諗
Never侵B 2020-1-20 13:08:50 買左 都係諗住拎落街做播片
8xxx 應該就到我
搖擺賓州 2020-1-20 13:15:07 無啦,佢哋ship咗最後一批,工廠2月8先復工
輸劍因愁鹿 2020-1-20 13:20:41 唔緊要

Never侵B 2020-1-20 13:22:21 咁至少搞到3月
搖擺賓州 2020-1-20 13:47:32 新加坡129xx都ship咗


文尼承歡白菜 2020-1-20 13:58:03 今日都未ship就應該要過年後了
#sosad 2020-1-21 15:21:10 我自己update咗

雖然話最大support 120吋


一定要裝Home screen有嘅version
就算入去佢話有new version都唔up得

另外如果睇啲好暗嘅嘢唔好用energy saver,暗位多數死黑
搖擺賓州 2020-2-12 16:24:15 屌,依家最新話2月14先開返,但依家上面咁情況到底我仲有冇可能收到
搖擺賓州 2020-2-14 00:09:31
Hello backers!

We know we are late concerning the shipping and many of you are asking about the delivery date.
The latest news from the Chinese Gov is to reopen factories on the 24th due to the Coronavirus OutBreak

Nevertheless, plan is as follow:

Inspection starts on 25th of February to the 25th of March
Totally 10K will be done before the 25th of March.
All backers with issues (broken AF…) will have their replacement PicoPix Max shipped first
All forgotten backers below 4000
Next are our friends from AU/NZ
We will ship as usual, 500 by 500 or 1K by 1K.
We have already 700 pieces at the factory, ready to be packed and shipped. (can be shipped only when the factory reopens)
During this period, our China based engineers are working from home and we will fine tune the software to release a new firmware asap.

文尼承歡白菜 2020-2-16 14:11:35 屌 我強烈考慮緊退錢買第二部
搖擺賓州 2020-2-16 14:33:04 如果差唔多價錢有一樣spec我一定退
輸劍因愁鹿 2020-2-16 14:36:03 作為一個backer 我已經忘記左呢部野咁滯
搖擺賓州 2020-2-16 14:39:46 挑戰耐性底線
星角起動 2020-2-16 15:02:16 7093 被列入戰略物資
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
處女座 2020-2-16 15:59:42 此回覆已被刪除


理性皇 2020-2-17 14:44:47 有冇其他選擇?
搖擺賓州 2020-2-17 14:47:02 其實嗰個叫極米,唔係叫小米。兩樣嘢嚟
文尼承歡白菜 2020-2-17 15:11:29 小米都有出 不過好似少人用
搖擺賓州 2020-2-20 14:40:57
Video Unboxing Contest - Round 1

If you’ve already received your PicoPix Max, we want to hear from you! In order to help the community, we’re looking to give awards to our TOP THREE best backer unboxing and explanation videos.


- 1st: Screeneo S6 (4K)
- 2nd: Additional PicoPix Max
- 3rd: NeoPix Prime

This is your chance to help other backers by showing them how it works, how to pair the remote, how to use different apps, highlight certain features, etc. Think of what you would have wanted to see before using your PicoPix Max in real life.

How does it work?

- Film a video. Creativity, style, and content are up to you. When choosing our 3 winners, we’ll prioritize your authentic opinion and your helpfulness to other backers above all. You do NOT need to be a professional. Don’t let intimidation stop you - your opinion as a backer is the most important thing to us.

- When you post your unboxing video to YouTube, include Philips PicoPix Max and your backer number in the title (e.g. “I converted my living room to a movie theater with the Philips PicoPix Max [backer #1111111]”)

- On Feb 28, we will select the 3 best videos and post the winning backer numbers in an update with links for all backers to go check them out.

- Your video must be in English.

- To enter this Round 1 contest, your submission deadline is Feb 24 at 11:59pm PT.
