[PolyU]紅磚大學討論區(18) - 周同學請安息
DoubleMay 2019-12-20 13:53:00 會唔會唔批p/f


蟲不知 2019-12-20 13:55:01 佢比我個list有fyp個code喎 應該係下年個grade會幫你變p/f
伊朗 2019-12-20 13:57:20
蟲不知 2019-12-20 15:04:13
比份工我返 2019-12-20 15:12:39
DoubleMay 2019-12-20 15:13:58 想問交左一次表
廣瀨鈴 2019-12-20 15:14:09
四洲紫菜仔 2019-12-20 16:27:06 此回覆已被刪除
蟲不知 2019-12-20 17:31:51
土耳其烤雞 2019-12-20 18:51:56
有眼無珠 2019-12-20 20:50:55 Apply左pf可以取消返?


妓你老鴇 2019-12-20 21:45:41 應該係冇得取消
妓你老鴇 2019-12-20 21:47:20
午前二時 2019-12-20 21:49:07
一曲一場嘆 2019-12-20 22:02:25 Q1: If I have already submitted an application for the pass/fail drop or late drop via eStudent before, how can I submit it again?

A: The AR advised that if students change their mind/wish to withdraw their application, they should re-submit the option/decision or submit a BLANK form during the application period (i.e. by 20 Dec). The latest submission will be taken as the final decision.

秒覆小王子 2019-12-20 22:14:29 Ching 想問下呢段係邊度講架
喵君食布丁 2019-12-20 22:16:32 我想知揀PASS/FAIL對將來有冇咩影響?
K.Wam 2019-12-20 22:17:27 想問late drop係咪一定成功?
旁觀的青年(移民) 2019-12-20 22:18:17
喵君食布丁 2019-12-20 22:23:42 唔會對考牌/讀MASTER有影響?
傷風 2019-12-20 22:29:19 此回覆已被刪除


旁觀的青年(移民) 2019-12-20 22:32:59 唔會
一棵海草 2019-12-20 22:37:52 anatomy阿sir
一棵海草 2019-12-20 23:02:49 我都想知
四洲紫菜仔 2019-12-20 23:04:49 此回覆已被刪除