[PolyU]紅磚大學討論區(18) - 周同學請安息
泰橙 2020-1-16 18:21:50 有冇咩靚free elec


執屎隊隊長 2020-1-16 19:54:03 其實各位巴打大家點睇P/F喱樣嘢?

你做乜野呀 2020-1-16 20:09:30 此回覆已被刪除
請你食四季豆 2020-1-16 20:42:13 想reg日文科
但本身讀緊嗰科唔洗讀free elective

執屎隊隊長 2020-1-16 20:43:03 之前睇post見到有啲人話要C先比Pass
請你食四季豆 2020-1-16 20:47:19 D已經合格喇喎
妓你老鴇 2020-1-16 21:11:52 你當佢9up就得
妓你老鴇 2020-1-16 21:13:32 reg得
但係可能要等add drop最後2日
Subject to the maximum credits allowed, students can take additional subjects before graduation to broaden their perspective. The selection of additional subjects will be done during the last two days of add / drop period. Any requests for dropping the additional subjects after the add / drop period will be treated as subject withdrawal. All subjects will be included in the GPA calculation while only those subjects within the programme curriculum requirement will be counted towards a student’s award classification.
請你食四季豆 2020-1-16 22:57:11 thx ching
暴動罪 2020-1-17 14:07:33 拉把邊層最正
問卷緊 2020-1-17 18:14:43 有啲科目講到明邊個grade equivalent to pass會係email同你講


毒L狙擊手 2020-1-17 20:05:58 有冇人知 “the student’s GPA is lower than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters.” 係咩意思?


一棵海草 2020-1-17 20:08:20 你係邊度睇

毒L狙擊手 2020-1-17 21:57:10 When a student has a Grade Point Average (GPA) (see Section 24.3 below) lower than
2.0, he/she will be put on academic probation in the following semester. Once when a
student is able to pull his GPA up to 2.0 or above at the end of the probation semester,
the status of “academ ic probation” will be lifted. The status of “academic probation” will
be reflected in the examination result notification but not in transcript of studies.

21.3 A student will have ‘progressing’ status unless he falls within the following categories,
either of which may be regarded as grounds for deregistration from the programme:
(i) the student has exceeded the maximum period of registration for that
programme as specified in the definitive programme document; or
(ii) the student’s GPA is lower than 2.0 for two consecutive semesters and his
Semester GPA in the second semester is also lower than 2.0; or
(iii) the student’s GPA is lower than 2.0 for three consecutive semesters.
ゲゲゲの鬼太郎 2020-1-17 22:47:13
PepperPotts 2020-1-17 22:48:07
吊尒吾能糸甘牙 2020-1-18 00:05:35 你好想交錢俾呢班仆街咩
有眼無珠 2020-1-18 00:20:07 緊急,想問retake科,本身pass,retake fail點計,仲要pf左

先健心再健身 2020-1-18 01:08:38 唔計
有眼無珠 2020-1-18 02:00:26 咁f左同late drop有咪分別?
肥毒矮柒窮 2020-1-18 02:11:48 which killer科?


吊尒吾能糸甘牙 2020-1-18 03:10:15 Transcript寫住有科Fail咁解
風景畫阿 2020-1-18 03:16:43 想問有咩輕鬆靚car?
冇名你嗌 2020-1-18 05:06:25
好多熊人公仔 2020-1-18 06:17:16