我唔知咩叫串 2019-12-13 08:19:06 再增多5kg 至10kg,增到真係頂唔順自己咁肥咪修返落去


聾豬(M額達) 2019-12-13 08:33:02 會去睇嘅一陣見
費事改名 2019-12-13 08:33:08 gainner cp值極低
泰狼 2019-12-13 08:43:31 本身係諗住買on, 見到amazon有條友cm話佢醫生叫佢唔好食呢隻因為會食到有fatty liver我先揀第隻
泰狼 2019-12-13 09:02:35 瞓醒發現其實都唔係好突 可能夜晩食得太多野先係咁
08947 2019-12-13 10:13:08 1
確認過眼神 2019-12-13 12:30:19 新手做gym 應該做咩動作
健身唔健腦 2019-12-13 12:34:02 個人意見:伸展 同 核心啟動既動作
然後用好輕既重量去做 big three , 專注技巧
費事改名 2019-12-13 12:38:24 warmup左個腦先
05279527bb 2019-12-13 12:44:48 13% body fat 以你體重應該都出哂腹肌啦?
泰狼 2019-12-13 12:46:08


胡力威教授 2019-12-13 14:21:47 咁感該唔止13%啦 我估17up
泰狼 2019-12-13 14:28:00 上次度成個月前12.x% 聽日度多次
蕉太郎 2019-12-13 14:52:23 想請教下新手練左一排, 重係增肌減脂階段
體脂23% , 需唔需要食supplement? 定係降低左體脂先?
見朋友飲緊ISOFLEX同WHY PROTEN, 但唔敢亂跟, 驚做得唔夠重肥左
我唔知咩叫串 2019-12-13 15:19:00 會唔會肥,係睇你總熱量,你要增肌要食夠蛋白質
我唔知咩叫串 2019-12-13 15:23:30 有標簽睇架嘛,自己睇下咪知
泰狼 2019-12-13 16:59:36 我再睇翻cm 原來有人話詳細睇過d成份 如果跟翻佢建議份量應該唔會有事

prokofiev 2019-12-13 18:51:20 My friend John is a gym membership salesman who will be sending a follow-up email and making a follow-up call to a customer who's interested in joining the ten year membership. I used to work in a gym and whenever a customer paid a visit to the gym I always followed it up with a call or an email. Some of my colleagues followed it up with a visit to the customer. My friend Jason is interested in joining John's gym. Jason had a meeting yesterday and a follow-up has been scheduled for tomorrow. He's also writing a follow-up to the acclaimed "the invisible man" so he's so busy that he won't have time to pay a follow-up visit to the gym for the time being. Therefore I handed him the membership agreement for John and will follow up with him in the next couple days. The membership costs eight hundred dollars a month which is well worth it for the whole range of facilities you can use. The membership grants you access to the swimming pool as well as the gym. They sell a tub if whey protein for fiue hundred dollars which is well worth it as it's normally twice as expensive. The cost of soy protein has edged down by four dollars whereas that of casein protein has edged higher by six dollars. The cost of creatine has edged up to five hundred dollars while that of nitric oxide has edged.lower from three twenty to three hundred and five dollars. Last Thursday jadon complained that he was treated badly at Starbucks. As a result a barista provided a referral to a senior staff member who in turn referred his case to the manager. He'll follow the case up with the manager to be sure that it'll be dealt with seriously. In addition he's been suffering from a stomachache so I gave him a referral to a gastroenterologist. Recently he posted on an online forum and suggested that the government build an art gallery so as to boost tourism which was supported by many people on the forum. They asked the forum administrator for a referral to a district councilor. They'll follow up the matter being discussed with the district councilor. I'll follow the issue up too. His suggestion of building an art museum is deemed appropriate. Last sunday we went to a museum where we looked at every single huge nineteenth-century oil painting in minute detail so as not to miss any wonderful things. Last week he gave a party in a hotel rather than in his house so as not to disturb his neighbours. Yesterday John was late because he got off at the wrong stop and had to wait for another bus. I asked "how on earth did you miss your stop?" He said "I'm sorry. what can I say?" I complimented him on his oboe skills. He then said "yes what can I say" The current situation is very bad. I said "well yes what can I say? Yesterday morning I was shocked when I saw a car crash in the street. He said "I'm sure you were" His girlfriend too said "I can imagine"
蕉土派 2019-12-13 20:02:31
亂世練體能 最近跟左文宣個張圖開始做 其他基本訓練都做到
係掌上壓5下就仆街 依家要手係高位到慢慢做
有冇巴打建議有人做幾多可以練到掌上壓 定每日到最尾操到無力為止?
費事改名 2019-12-13 20:15:03 真全民健身 - 為抗爭者而設既屋企健身全攻略影片 (觀念+熱身+正式訓練)
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
蕉土派 2019-12-13 20:18:34


費事改名 2019-12-13 20:20:15 健腦巴用心製作 罰係睇哂佢
05279527bb 2019-12-13 20:55:23 12.x都無腹肌,應該無咩可能呀
泰狼 2019-12-13 20:57:25 要谷先有
可樂唔樂 2019-12-13 22:32:40 請教下
一星期操三,四日(自問唔算hea操),體重體脂都有下降,但係muscle mass無乜點升(幾乎接近係無升無跌) 而我目標其實係增肌