求救,美Amazon 第一單被lock
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:17:09 Your Amazon.com account: response required

此帳號第一單,碌咗20000 左右
爬哂文,又話要fax ,但我online 客服都入唔到,lock 9 咗,有冇手足知點搞
屋企人,朋友都black Friday 買咗嘢,得我一個有vip 招呼

而家email仲兇9我24 小時內搞掂佢,唉


關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:34:47 逐個email check , 哩個仲𠹌離奇,突然卡尾數都錯咗一個字,但之前嗰幾封都啱
Your Amazon.com order cannot be shipped


There was a problem confirming your payment information. To prevent potential misuse of your payment card, we have placed your orders on hold and locked your account. You will not be able to place orders until we verify your information.

To resolve this issue, we need to verify a recent statement for your xxCard ending in xx To upload your statement to our secure document portal, log in to your Amazon.com account on a browser and follow the instructions.

The following information must be clearly displayed on the statement:
-- Your name and billing address.
-- The last 4 digits of the card number. For your protection, make sure that only the last 4 digits are displayed.

We will review your statement and respond within 24 hours and will cancel your open orders if this remains unresolved in the next 72 hours. To protect your information, we cannot accept documents via email and restrict access to your statement to a team of account specialists. Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your statement or share more information about this issue.

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed.


Account Specialist
幸運小灰鳩 2019-12-6 02:36:03 confirm咗個email adress先

拉拉手制 2019-12-6 02:36:24 lm phishing
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:38:34 Comfirm 咗,上埋官網,locked9 咗我
幸運小灰鳩 2019-12-6 02:39:29

幸運小灰鳩 2019-12-6 02:40:57 你肯定嘅話 upload張卡嘅statement就得
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:42:06 官網有record , 唉
一生一世 2019-12-6 02:44:21 應該會退錢
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:46:23
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:46:54 我係想俾$...


幸運小灰鳩 2019-12-6 02:47:38 咪照佢指示upload statement囉
將軍澳自由閪 2019-12-6 02:48:52 有冇可能係你銀行以為你俾人盜用左張卡
將軍澳自由閪 2019-12-6 02:49:28 Amazon app 可以直接聯絡 customer service
幸運小灰鳩 2019-12-6 02:52:28 一次過碌20000 唔出奇
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 02:59:36 Up 咗啦,驚閪咩、有事銀行自己㰖,但我要買嘢啊...
將軍澳自由閪 2019-12-6 03:01:01 碌2皮 仲要海外網


關乳暈長 2019-12-6 03:15:13 做囇啦,等收皮
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 03:16:04 Locked 9 me
晴天雨天讀書天 2019-12-6 03:17:12 幫你推
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 03:17:31 冇人冇經驗,都冇計,揀定下部,et


關乳暈長 2019-12-6 03:18:03 手足加油💪
將軍澳自由閪 2019-12-6 03:18:39

㩒落去可以text customer service

滑蛋豬仔飯 2019-12-6 03:25:55 試下online chat屌鬼
關乳暈長 2019-12-6 03:28:31 🙏