茂利 2020-1-15 10:38:40 尋日返返下工收到電話
shimoda 50X 突然話送嚟,叫我收貨

BTW 張送貨單寫住Benro Image Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.
Shimoda 同佢有咩關係


南菇沙牛米 2020-1-15 10:55:30
凌風 2020-1-15 11:11:17 made in china?
南菇沙牛米 2020-1-15 11:29:55 應該全球好多地方都有分公司,支都有咁囉~


南菇沙牛米 2020-1-15 11:30:50 Guangdong Benro Image Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 1995, mainly dedicated to developing and manufacturing the professional photographic tripods, heads, camera bags, optical filters and cabinets, existing plant area of 55,000 square meters, is a large scale manufacturer in producing professional photographic tripods.

BENRO professional photographic tripods and heads have been favored by the majority of photography enthusiasts. In the domestic market, has for many years maintained the first market share. In the international market, BENRO also has high reputation in Europe, America, Japan and other countries have established more than forty BENRO distributors.

As the BENRO professional photography tripods and heads brand become a mainstream choice for international market, in 2007, BENRO implement brand diversification began to get involved in professional camera bags field, and become famous in the international market.
Why哥 2020-1-15 12:00:03 其實peak design都係由mic送黎香港
好多都係design in local, made in china
南菇沙牛米 2020-1-15 12:17:44 可能好多KICKSTARTER出既野都係.....
Why哥 2020-1-15 12:19:03 Apple products都係mic啦 design in america 咁解
LeroySane 2020-1-15 14:30:41 睇落幾靚仔

下雨看見魚 2020-1-15 14:39:43 已比錢 等收貨
茂利 2020-1-15 18:33:12 得罪講句,真心覺得難Carry同埋有D怪


Why哥 2020-1-15 18:33:24 外型差d 設計幾好
WeNotMe 2020-1-17 10:37:42
一等再等又等 2020-1-17 13:06:14
WeNotMe 2020-1-17 15:18:30
Bombalabom 2020-1-17 17:41:30 間送貨公司係好撚on9
一等再等又等 2020-1-17 19:31:03 袋已收
凌風 2020-1-18 08:40:33 不推文會搞到個post 少人睇
同埋你d post 點推都上唔到熱門
凌風 2020-1-18 08:40:51
不推文會搞到個post 少人睇
同埋呢d post 點推都上唔到熱門
壞咗又無靈魂嘅人 2020-1-19 09:29:27 點解無punch嘅?
多朱古力 2020-1-19 10:07:57 因為我對個punch無咩興趣


PSmode 2020-1-19 22:06:51 PGY 直情係大陸牌子添啦 淘寶都有得賣
凌風 2020-1-19 23:59:56
成人銀行 2020-1-20 16:31:14 台灣wotancraft 既袋點睇 見佢出左隻新既nomad 幾靚仔
肉汁緊鎖👅 2020-1-20 21:28:03 想問下有無ching係帶幾部相機去旅行既