沈陣營第二百九十三期 - 師父已經簽署《香港熊市關係法》
天龍之龍寶寶 2019-12-7 08:33:33


真點痴線佬 2019-12-7 08:43:53
MissFortune 2019-12-7 09:00:03
VicF 2019-12-7 09:02:03 如果係伊朗嗰種另計,港共可以將港幣掛歐元,匯率一樣咁計。


最後逃生門 2019-12-7 09:07:11 \|/
後知 2019-12-7 09:08:48 \|/
最後逃生門 2019-12-7 09:09:19 DOW 又上返280
活像木偶誰會在意 2019-12-7 09:21:34 此回覆已被刪除
VicF 2019-12-7 09:24:01 目前頭三位交易貨幣係美元、歐元同日元,委內瑞拉都係冇美金先話用冥幣結算,並唔係美帝唔比佢用,美元都係商品嚟,流通量越多影響力先大,基本上對一個地區或者國家唔會亂用,要好惡劣,美帝本身同該地方冇貿易,再上到306制裁法案先得

沈木火 2019-12-7 09:27:21
VicF 2019-12-7 09:32:47 依家對支共美帝都係停留喺301法案,只有北韓同伊朗先係306法案



2019-12-7 09:43:10 \|/
硬膠胸奴 2019-12-7 09:45:43 此回覆已被刪除
VicF 2019-12-7 10:03:46 制裁伊朗單嘢,歐盟點解咁大意見,石油掛鈎美元計價,美國同伊朗冇生意嘅,但歐盟國家有嘛,所以咪話要令起歐元結算系統,抵銷306法案金融上嘅限制

VicF 2019-12-7 10:38:46 Trump Has Now Shifted $1.7 Million From Campaign Donors To His Private Business
Dan Alexander
Dan Alexander Forbes Staff
Money & Politics

The Trump campaign is spending big money at the president’s properties, according to a review of Federal Election Commission data. Yet the records show that Donald Trump still has not donated any of his own funds to the campaign. That means America’s billionaire-in-chief has shifted $1.7 million from campaign donors into his private business.

Forbes first reported on this arrangement one year ago, when documents showed that Trump’s companies had taken in $1.1 million of campaign-donor money. By the end of 2018, that figure had climbed to $1.3 million. Subsequent disclosures show that more than $450,000 flowed into the Trump empire from January to September of this year.

The biggest beneficiary has been Trump Tower Commercial LLC, which controls the president’s famous Manhattan skyscraper. Trump still owns the entity, which has accepted $1.2 million in rent from the reelection effort and another $225,000 from the Republican National Committee. Since Trump became president, an estimated 1.6% of the tower’s revenue has come from either the RNC or the reelection campaign. The majority of Trump Tower’s income comes from Gucci, which leases 49,000 square feet of prime retail space on Fifth Avenue for roughly $21 million a year.

VicF 2019-12-7 10:41:02
HITANDRUN 2019-12-7 11:04:55 此回覆已被刪除
VicF 2019-12-7 11:07:11 我諗未咁誇嘅
熱菇誠 2019-12-7 11:14:54 戴cap帽 仲唔即時yap你埋黎玩你一鑊先?
VicF 2019-12-7 11:19:55 咁又唔會,我經常戴cap帽嘅,仲有全視線眼鏡或戴太陽眼鏡,冇遇過

segauei 2019-12-7 11:24:32 \|/


梁浩劫 2019-12-7 11:26:42 樓王年紀大中招機會細D
LCHJJ 2019-12-7 11:28:56 \|/
沙格拿(反愛) 2019-12-7 11:33:10 每過支那一次都係一個sync香港黑警曱甴database機會
VicF 2019-12-7 11:51:11 到時睇吓兌唔兌現?
