「爹親娘親不及Donald trump」英文應該點譯?
入黎放低個一蚊 2019-12-4 08:42:28 dad thumb and mom thumb are less than donald trump
世界中了毒 2019-12-4 08:50:56 Dad trump, Mom trump not as good as Donald Trump
戴住手套打JJ 2019-12-4 09:05:04 其實 "爹親娘親" 好似未夠本土喎
"老竇老母唔及特朗普" 仲似樣啲
Hanbun 2019-12-4 09:43:57 I love to kiss donald trump than my dad & mum
斬卵子避精蟲 2019-12-4 09:45:37 I go to school by Trump
我叫三叔 2019-12-4 09:47:17 咁本身句野係多個意思
福音戒毒 2019-12-4 09:47:35 粵劇年代已經咁用

普通嘅人 2019-12-4 09:49:04 毅進式英文
孫燕姿 2019-12-4 10:05:49
嘔出了靈魂 2019-12-4 10:23:07 Donald Trump is the red sun of our heart!!


是非台台主 2019-12-5 22:21:25 Father Trump? Mother Trump? Donald Trump!
野田雞 2019-12-5 22:24:02 呢句好似幾屈機,利申英文廢J
食飽乜乜乜乜瞓 2019-12-5 22:24:45 dad kiss trump more than mom
食飽乜乜乜乜瞓 2019-12-5 22:26:41 應該係trump kiss mom more than dad kiss mom
標準連登仔 2019-12-6 03:51:06 句野本身係蝗語 唔咁講就無左諷刺個韻味
麥芝蛋漢堡 2019-12-7 00:35:05 Father and mother are great,
but Donald Trump is the greatest!
攀上一棵樹 2019-12-7 00:36:33 美國人好憎trump
碎星 2019-12-7 00:56:31 Father or mother? Donald Trump is better!!

(the best)
孤獨過客 2019-12-7 00:58:35 Who needs mom and dad when we have Donald Trump



毛柒神經病 2019-12-7 01:03:37 Yes, why Trump?
We should be thanking the people of America
碎星 2019-12-7 01:08:13 Trump signed the paper. Thank you America!
毛柒神經病 2019-12-7 01:12:48 Trump literally delayed signing the paper until he was pressured by everyone in congress. Because even if he rejectec the bill, congress has the right to override his veto with votes which was clearly a majority supporting HK.

Besides, he had no involvement in drawing up the bill, the US congressmen did, with the support of the general public.

Trump might have signed it, but do not be so naive into thinking that Trump truly cares about the us, the people of HK.
傳教士谷哥 2019-12-7 02:05:24 Father trump, mother trump, while donald trump is the trumpest