‎[PS4限時獨佔]Death Stranding《死亡擱淺》集中討論區(8)
矢久保美緒 2020-1-30 20:15:10 等email再送
好多都係要等 第一準備者之類


bcarehk 2020-1-31 01:57:39 咩email
祥陽 2020-1-31 03:17:07 平時通訊果 D email
我他媽相信你 2020-1-31 09:44:49 email都唔睇
bcarehk 2020-1-31 11:36:23 有睇
豬柳強走蛋 2020-1-31 18:53:39 好似唔可以set 到email d字大d?
豬柳強走蛋 2020-1-31 18:55:35 我唔小心渣架車趺左去cosplayer 屋企門口個個坑卡住左

load save入返去都仲係道,可以點搞?
矢久保美緒 2020-1-31 19:49:47 行近架車㩒實option
bcarehk 2020-1-31 21:43:28 好滾動

llllI 2020-2-1 10:40:59 山上邊紅色果隻
llllI 2020-2-1 10:47:43 Death Stranding Patch 1.10 Removes Repetitive BT Encounter Animation

Kojima Productions has just pushed out the latest update for Death Stranding. The PlayStation 4 postman simulator has had some decent changes made in various patches, but the latest one gives you the option to remove a particularly repetitive sequence in the game.

Every time you wander into BT territory, the camera zooms in on your Odradek scanner as it swivels into place in slow motion. It's a flashy animation, but after the first few times you see it, you're bound to grow tired of going through it each time. Patch version 1.10 adds an option to the game which allows you to toggle this animation off, which should make your journey a little smoother -- even if you are heading into dangerous territory. The only other patch note simply reads "Various performance improvements", which is always good.

The update is just under a gigabyte in size, so it won't take too long to download. It's available now on PS4, so get it installed so you can continue Sam's journey with less speed bumps.

Are you pleased to have this quality of life change in Death Stranding on PS4? Chuck a hematic grenade into the comments below.



我他媽相信你 2020-2-1 10:50:22 德政
llllI 2020-2-1 10:55:36 好過唔做
豬柳強走蛋 2020-2-1 16:04:32 個架係小黃車🤦🏿‍♂️
豬柳強走蛋 2020-2-1 16:05:27 其實最後佢係唔係凍死左
小春子公公 2020-2-1 16:20:06 唔係
小春子公公 2020-2-1 16:25:01 劇透部份,自己衡量睇唔睇
bcarehk 2020-2-2 10:04:16 東岸盧登斯粉絲同音樂家終於加入UCA
豬柳強走蛋 2020-2-2 17:50:37 殺人唔收屍,由佢屍爆再load save
bcarehk 2020-2-3 01:44:57 same me
祥陽 2020-2-3 02:50:32 冇心機白金


和味滴蠟尼 2020-2-3 12:30:25 終於白金,呢排太多其他野,Kobe 又離開左,無神無氣拖到琴日拎哂晶片再拎埋匠人盃就白金了

純tips 唔知有無其他巴絲講過,造過既裝備會有個tick 係禁入去個box 左下角,所以唔駛浪費資源逐樣再整過,祝各位早日上車唔駛行路。

口部勇武派 2020-2-3 23:52:13 [url]第十二章係咁落雨個箱好快損壞點搞 無得製作噴霧
和味滴蠟尼 2020-2-3 23:59:31 快d 推過主線就正常返
口部勇武派 2020-2-4 00:00:58 個任係主線嚟 用最快速度都過唔到
卡住咗 又無噴霧